Past Projects Spotlight & Big News

Friday, September 27, 2024

(2021 draft I found:) Hello y'all! Long time no see! I need a creative outlet and for me, back in the day, that was blogging. I loved to peruse different home projects and reno reveals on fellow blogger sites over morning coffee and today I decided I need to dive back in. Lots of stuff has gone on since I last wrote and I'm so excited to share with y'all all of the recent happenings. Baby girl #2 was born and she came into our lives a whole month early! (the morning after a random fluke of a super destructive hail storm to be exact) I thought that I still had a month to unpack and nest so to speak in our new home but she had other plans. I joined the hubs and moved to our 1780 home with 5 days to spare before Miss Crawford said "Hey y'all, I'm here!" only 2 days before big Sister's birthday. (Joint bdays for life am I right?!) With that said, finishing up things here in our (old) new home has been a slow but fun process. 

UPDATE AGAIN: Now 9/27/24

We finished all of the exciting updates in the 1780s home in Edenton, NC which I will share below. We enjoyed the BEST 3 year chapter there and met some pretty incredible folks. However, home (VA) kept calling our names and my Dad decided to bribe us with a pretty fantastic offer - 81 acres on a 23 acre lake back home approximately 2 miles from my parent's home and about 35 minutes from Seth's parents. We listed the NC house, sold fairly quickly and moved into my Grandparent's farm house where we can now focus on.....drumroll please....OUR FIRST (and forever) NEW BUILD! Things happened pretty quickly and after some 'light' renovations to the farmhouse, we can now dive into securing the right plan for our family. Now keep it mind we have only done historic renovations and never a total new build so ummm this should be interesting. We also now have horses (2 to be exact) a new pup named Bennett and we miss our Emma Jo pup daily. 

This new build lake house is precisely the reason I decided to bring the OG blogging back. I documented every other renovation and it is so much fun to have and look back on even if not a soul reads this type of thing anymore. I think of it as a public diary of sorts that my kiddos can one day look back on as well. Not sure if I keep this with my entire archive or do a Substack or new website situation or what but here we go for now and I am excited to document this new chapter in this old space!

The girls are doing fabulous - Andi is 9 and Crawford is 3 and life is just wonderful! Andi just finished her last ultrasound and chest x-ray last week and there was no evidence of disease and she was cleared for a full year. God is good! Miss Crawford keeps us on our toes day in and day out with her outrageously funny personality and charm!

While we decide on a floor plan (send prayers, we thought we were set about four times now) I'm gathering up some neat projects to share that we've finished thus far! Enjoy and welcome back y'all!

Edenton Dining Room

2019 Renovation:

xoxo, JMO

35 Weeks (2015 vs. 2021)

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

35 weeks 3/30/2021
35 weeks in 2015 

How far along? 35 Weeks on the dot

Size of Baby: Baby girl measured a nice 5 lbs and 12 oz at her ultrasound this morning! Dad got to go with me and she is super active and in the right position!

Total weight gain/loss: up .4 pounds from last check-in (about 139.4) 

Symptoms: Everything blood sugar wise is right on track luckily! Usually by dinner time I'm basically starving so my numbers are a bit higher but the doc doesn't seem to be concerned. I looked back when I was preggo with Andi and I am SO thankful that crazy swelling hasn't hit. I'm still feeling great thankfully and no swelling in the legs/feet! Lots of bathroom trips in the night though - like at least 4-5.

Food cravings: Cheescake! So random but I want it all the time! (and of course not supposed to be having that at all) 

Anything making you queasy or sick: thankfully no!

Have you started to show yet: Oh fo' sho'

Gender prediction: Girl! Miss Crawford Childress

Nursery: Went down and spent the weekend with Seth in NC while my parents kept Andi (I had to do DMV stuff and get things switched to NC) but the weekend was fabulous. We got a lot done and hung the marsh painting in her nursery and ordered new sconces. I washed all the baby clothing and sheets and I must say that I really missed the sweet smell of dreft. The pack-n-play is all set up and most all things are purchased and ready to go! So crazy!

Workouts: Still doing 15-20 minute prenatal workouts with weights and lots of walking. So thankful to be able to squeeze these in still!

Labor Signs: Braxton hicks all the time!

Belly Button in or out? flat-ish 

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and excited and even sad - only because this is my last week in VA, last week of in-person work, last week of in-person school for Andi and just so much transition coming up! Whew! Seth is coming in from NC so we can do Easter weekend here and then on Sunday we are all going back as a family, permanently, to NC. Bring on baby!

Best Moment this week: Knowing that she is healthy! Ready for our first appointment with the new facility in NC a week from today AND they are letting Andi come to that one! It'll be her first time getting to tag a long since Covid has stolen that experience from her entirely!


31 Week Bumpdate

Thursday, March 4, 2021


2021                   versus                                  2015
can you spot Seth's hand placement? Insert face palm haha! 

How far along? 31 Weeks & 2 days

Size of Baby: 16 inches and 3.2 lbs - a coconut! 

Total weight gain/loss: 137 pounds (136.6 on 2/17)

Symptoms: I was diagnosed with GD again this time around so I just started all the finger pricking and dietary restrictions last week. Levels are staying under for the most part and I referred to this space to print out my old portion lists and blood log levels, etc. I told them straight up that I remembered how to keep it under control and would not need to see 3 new docs and/or specialists and they actually gave me the OK on that. (thank goodness!) My next appointment isn't until 3/16 and we'll go over my logs and we'll enter into weekly ultrasounds like before just because I am still now considered high risk. (however that is a perk right? I feel like I haven't seen Crawford as much as Andi just because this facility is so much different. Also, I'm about to switch facilities again when we transition down to NC fully on April 5th!)

Miss Anything? Carbs & sugars of course - eating whatever I want

Movement: Ya'll...I seriously cannot get enough! She is so strong and contorts my entire belly and it is still so fascinating to watch! Can' believe this journey is in the home stretch!

Food cravings: Fruit still, Outshine sugar free popsicles and jello (and would cheat and eat Mexican every single day if I could)

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope thank goodness 

Have you started to show yet: uh yes ma'am!

Gender prediction: Girl! 

Nursery: Just need a glider and a bookshelf! 

Workouts: walking after meals and nightly prenatal workouts 

Labor Signs: eeek no! Braxton hicks? Yes and all the time it seems!

Belly Button in or out? flat-ish

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! I seriously cannot wait to meet her! Soaking up my time with Andi as my one and only - big sis mode. Also had a great birthday yesterday and even got away with eating a slice of cake! Cheers to 34 - whew

Looking forward to: warmer temps and moving to NC full time in less than a month! Ah!

28 Weeks

Wednesday, February 10, 2021


2021 versus 2015 

How far along? 28 Weeks & 1 day

Size of Baby: 15 inches and 2.25 lbs

Total weight gain/loss: up 2 pounds from last month I think - 135 now

Symptoms: Feeling large and charge and some lower back pain but mostly feeling great thankfully!

Maternity clothes? Of course

Stretch marks? Using bio oil this time around still at night - no new ones yet!

Sleep: I have been sleeping great the last two nights but we'll see how that goes. Went to bed by 9pm last night not even kidding! 

Best moment this week: Seeing her move my entire belly is the best. Made a little registry of things and Mom/MIL is helping me tackle the bigger items- getting everything ready is really making it real all of a sudden that we're actually doing this newborn thing again! Mom got stroller, carseat and pack-n-play recently and MIL snagged the big new rug for the nursery on Sunday. 

Miss Anything? Wine - took a sip of Mom's sauvignon blanc the other day and yes...still miss it haha

Movement: She is packing some MEGA punches & kicks and it is still my #1 favorite thing in this world! (constantly too!)

Food cravings: Cherries, Sunny D & Mexican

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope 

Have you started to show yet: yes

Gender prediction: Girl! 

Nursery: Just need a bookshelf and a glider and we should be all set 

Workouts:15 min prenatal weight training and cardio each night

Labor Signs: eeek no!

Belly Button in or out? weirdly out  

Wedding rings on or off? On but feel bigger- I think that happens in winter though

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Loving this little girl so much I seriously cannot wait to meet her!

Looking forward to: all the snow they are calling for this weekend and valentines day with miss andi! 

Bumpdate 26 Weeks

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

 Hola! Here we are again...skipped 3 weeks worth of bumpdates again....poor Crawford. We're back in VA after a long stay in NC but joining Hubby again this weekend back in NC. Whew! We're all over the place! Andi is loving being back at school and having a great week and Miss Crawford has decided to be the most active kicker in my belly ever this week. (starting at 5am usually!) Read on for what has been up with the bump and the babe lately and to get a little nursery sneak peek:

January 2020 vs. January 2015

How far along? 26 Weeks 

Size of Baby: 14 inches and 2 lbs

Total weight gain/loss: Up 11 pounds since October 6th 

Symptoms: Lower back pain has started a little and sleeping is definitely harder bc I can't stand side sleeping. Also having to pee all the time still.

Maternity clothes? All day everyday - I am literally living in leggings!

Stretch marks? No new ones - boobs are enormous though so I'm sure something will appear unfortunately. That line is getting more visible though this week and my skin feels soooo tight ugh so I've been adding bio oil this time around each night and I really like that stuff!

Sleep: Heating pad is essential and big body leg pillow via amazon

Best moment this week: Feeling her almost constantly now and matching date nights with my big girl are a must! Andi is so ready to be a big sis and I can't wait to watch my heart grow. She amazes me everyday and I am so blessed to be her Mama. 

Miss Anything? Wine. Always. 

Movement: "ALL the time! My little crazy dancer! She is really packing some punch lately and triggering my bladder almost directly. It is so fun to see her moving around and stretching my belly!" <---same this time around currently!

Food cravings: Cherries & Tangerines 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Have you started to show yet: SO much so

Gender prediction: Girl! Miss Crawford Childress (CC)

Nursery: Right when we left NC last week the crib was delivered so hubs jumped on it and sent me a pic of it set up! We've gotten an original piece of art via Maren Devine, chest of drawers and ordered the sconces. The rug is currently in my cart so its slowly coming together! I love the calm colors and theme for her nursery and of course all the gold accents! Need to decide on glider since we didn't save ours and some cute bedding. Thinking a light pink toile to play off the marsh tones in that painting. I will also be adding a white bookshelf once I find one, the below baskets via Ballard Designs and lamp set via Overstock to flank a gold mirror. Stay tuned! 

Crib via Amazon
Dresser via antique find
Sconces via Amazon

so far pretty plain - did reuse our bamboo curtains and rod
 via Ballard Designs in here though!

Workouts: 3-4 prenatal workouts per week/walking 

Labor Signs: eeek no!

Belly Button in or out? both? 

Wedding rings on or off? On but feel bigger- I think that happens in winter though

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Time needs to slow down though!

Looking forward to: heading back down to the new house this weekend to see hubby and all the things that have been delivered lol

Previous bumpdates with Andi:

       WEEK 12                                WEEK 13                    WEEK 14                             WEEK 15

             WEEK 16                                        WEEK 17                                        WEEK 18

       WEEK 19                                                  WEEK 20                                     WEEK 23