WHW: Lately

Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Hey ya'll and thanks for joining in for What's Hap-'Pinning' Wednesday! Obviously there has been so much going on for all of us and I must admit that I'm just now (at 10pm) getting a chance to right this post. I have accomplished the depressing task of taking down the Christmas decor (except the 2nd floor tree and porch stuff - I lost steam) and I have cleaned and overhauled the entire house including getting together a Goodwill donation bag because Andi has so much stuff ya'll. Exhausted is an understatement! I also had a hair appointment and was able to meet up with my roomie from college for dinner and drinks so add driving around all over the place to the list too (but oh so worth it because girl time is good for the soul...and who doesn't love to be pampered?)

Other than having a fabulous Christmas, we're currently preparing for our out of town trip to my friend's NYE wedding and I couldn't be more excited! It's a black tie wedding and all of us girls from college will be reunited. Also, who doesn't love an excuse to dress up and all be together for new years eve and day? This will be the first time in three years that the hubs and I will be together on NYE because of his work schedule (I'm also pumped to see my hubster rock a tux ya'll, not going to lie!)

So what did everyone get for Christmas? What was your favorite moment? Leave a comment and let me know your favorite moment or tradition - it'll make my day for sure as I read through them over coffee! Also, I received a lot of new kitchen stuff including a food processor and my first cast iron skillet. With that said, can ya'll send my way your favorite things to do and make with each? I'd REALLY appreciate it because I'm so looking forward to trying each of them out this week or next!

Grab our button below and link up!

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Friday 5/Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 23, 2016
Hey ya'll and Merry Christmas eve's eve! I have to start this post off with a big ole' apology. I completely blanked this week and forgot to do a What's Hap-'pinning' Wednesday post! I have NEVER done that and I feel so stupid (face palm) so I obviously have some catching up to do. Tis the season for being super busy and loving every second of spending time with family huh? With that said, our annual Christmas party was a huge success and so much fun! I still can't believe this was our 3rd annual and I'm already excited for next year's party. Today I have to start cooking and getting things ready for my Mama's Christmas eve dinner and also for Christmas day. I hope everyone has a safe, wonderful and lovely Christmas! See ya'll next week and I can't wait to hear all about it!

#1-5 Christmas party picture overload of course! Merry Christmas ya'll!


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WHW: Lately/news!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Hey ya'll! Long time no blog huh? I've missed ya'll! There has been so much going on around here lately and I'm excited to get ya'll all filled in. First of all, we're currently gearing up for our 3rd annual Christmas party this Saturday and I'm feeling so not ready. Luckily I have some friends coming in early to help and I think I'm 100% cheating and ordering some supplemental party platters to ease the cooking and kitchen prep a little. I LOVE our Christmas party and it keeps growing! Bring on the full bar am I right? Cheers! I think I shared our cute invites I designed this year from Vistaprint a few weeks back. Here is my current dining room situation:

Ok so here's the news - the reason my house is not cleaned and party ready - I GOT A JOB! Ya'l, I'm still in shock and a bit overwhelmed but I'm so excited for whats to come. I start officially after their Christmas break but I took a position as the financial administrator for the college of graduate and professional studies at Longwood University. It is part time, which is ideal and the only reason I took it, and it offered me a package that I basically couldn't say no to. The office is made up of pretty fabulous women and I even went to high school with one! It is the best move for our family and I am so happy, nervous and excited at the same time! 
My office is on the left!
The big advantage is that I only work 2.5 days a week so I will still predominately get more time with Miss A! The sad part? Little Lillie is no longer with us but she is now going to a friend's house full time (she goes to church with me so I still get to see her) Lillie's last day was super tough for me but I know she and Andi will be reunited once they start school! Anyway, if you'll say a little prayer for us and this new transition that would be greatly appreciated. Here's to new beginnings and a brand new adventure!

Link up with Jenn and I below and join in on What's Hap-'Pinning' Wednesday 

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WHW: CaseApp

Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Hey ya'll and welcome to What's Hap-'pinning' Wednesday. So I've done it again - I've designed another custom phone case from caseapp.com and I'm basically ob-sessed. It was so hard to pick our Christmas card since Andi nailed all of her pics this year and it killed me to not use the one where she is front and center (I liked the wreath in the background of another one) so I had a better idea. I recently got an iphone 7 and all of my previous cases from caseapp are for my old Samsung. I literally raced over to their website and designed a new one for my phone with my little ham right in the center. When the case arrived, super quickly I might add, it was perfect. I can't stop showing it off! 

CaseApp has offered ya'll a 20% off code if you want to design a custom case just in time for the Christmas holiday. (they would make awesome gifts too) Just go to their site, upload your picture or use their 100's of designs, enter the code and complete your order. It is so easy and so cute! (This will be my 3rd time designing a custom case with them and I couldn't be happier!) 

Code for 20% off your next custom case: JESSISXMAS20

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Friday 5: Decking the Halls

Friday, December 2, 2016
Hey ya'll and happy Friday! So we have officially decked the halls here and I couldn't be happier. I'd love to keep the stuff up all dang year if it was socially acceptable. It's just so plain once its taken down! I'm dedicating my Friday 5 to a little decking the halls home tour today. We did 4 trees this year and I love how each one turned out! We have a classic themed 9 footer in the living room, a blue themed smaller one in the dining room, a keepsake/vintage one on the second floor and a small one for Miss A in her room. (Sorry for the light bill hubs!) We're gearing up for our annual Christmas party so I'm almost positive I'll be adding more touches here and there! 

I'm linking up with the usual Friday gang and you should too! Happy weekend ya'll and happy December!

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