
Monday, August 31, 2015
Hey ya'll and happy Monday! Sorry we've been MIA lately but ever since Monday's little fractured arm incident with Miss Andi, we've been cuddling and taking it easy. Update: She has been doing absolutely incredible! She amazes me every day and hasn't even stopped rolling over - whew girlie!

This weekend we cleaned, cuddled, ran some shopping errands and hammered out some home projects including the total renovation of our huge front door. When we first moved in, we found the original screened door, well not 1850's original but it is dated 1903 and was in pretty good shape. Hubby sanded it, re-screened, sanded giant entry-way and re-stained and I am IN LOVE! It is so gorgeous and vintage looking which is perfect for our home. Also, the cooler temps at night make it so awesome to now have a screen door open to let air flow in the foyer! "Our song is the slamming screen door..." T Swift? No? Ok.....

We also took Andi to her first home football at my high school! I was a cheerleader and also judged this year's squad's tryouts with newborn Andi in tow so all of the girls were so excited to see her again! Can we say future cheerleader? (I'm totally pushing and campaigning my hardest for her to go there but getting her Dad on board with private school tuition since he went to public school is proving a little more difficult than expected...he did dress in the appropriate colors though! Getting closer??) They won and really kicked off the season with a bang! Is there anything better than small town football Friday night lights? It was a fabulous and relaxing weekend and I hope ya'll had a similar one!

Linking up today with B Loved Boston & Champagne and Suburbs for Weekending

Screen door - found in one of our outbuildings

circa 1903


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What's Hap-"pinning" Wednesday

Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Hey ya'll! Have to make this post quick because I have a precious little girl with her arm in a splint that I want to spend every second with...yup...our first visit to the ER came entirely too early. I always envisioned this visit being because our toddler tumbled down some of our 3 flights of stairs or fell outside rough-housing with Emma Jo, not because she was doing what her little body seems to do almost all day. Long story short, Mama and I had been shopping all day with Andi and she had just dropped me off back home. Andi had rolled over and was face down on our master bed so, as I've done 300 times, I went to roll her back over. Ya'll - my world stopped. Her little left arm was hung up and I heard the worst cracking sound I've ever heard in my entire life. Not a popping like your joints, a crack.

I instantly screamed and became hysterical as did she. She wouldn't move her left arm and just screamed with tears streaming. I had my phone and called Mom to turn around immediately since she wasn't too far away and she's an RN. She came in and we called the rescue squad. They looked her over and decided it didn't seem like any clear breaks. We decided to head on to the hospital and have x-rays done (and I am so glad we did) We were seen pretty quickly and after millions of tears, snuggles and two x-rays it was determined she had a spiral fracture to her left humerus. I was devastated and almost collapsed. Andi was such a trooper throughout the entire process. She clung to me and smiled and giggled like she was totally fine...Mama on the other hand? Not so much. Hubby was away working so I am so thankful that my Mom was with me because next the unthinkable happened..... I was informed that Child Protective Services had to investigate and I would be speaking to a forensics nurse while they whisked my child away from me for more pictures and head-to-toe x-rays. I have NEVER cried so much even though I know it was protocol for them to be doing this.

Everyone was fabulous and very comforting and finally after 2am we were able to go home. We ended up going to Wal-Mart to get some cheap onesies and gowns to stretch/cut over her splint and then got home around 4am. Seth came in at 5:30am and then I got up shortly after to make her appointment with the orthopedic doctor which is today at 10:00am. Please if you don't mind send Miss A your prayers and healing vibes. 4 months is mighty young for a fracture and I'm hoping they don't find anything else wrong with her bone density or anything like that. I officially felt the distinct pain you feel as a parent when your child gets hurt and I honestly fear for me when she is older. #WelomeToParentLife ya'll.....

WHEW - so hug your little ones tighter today and excuse us while we go catch up on some rest and snuggles. Thank ya'll so much for linking up today with Jenn and myself and I can't wait to sit down and catch up on what's hap-"pinning"!


Taking it like a happy little champ!

That little limp arm!!

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Friday 5

Friday, August 21, 2015
Happy Friday ya'll! This Mama has a long overdue hair appointment and outing all by myself and get this: My Mama actually has a hair appointment at the same salon as I do at the SAME time! Can we say girls day?! I'm beyond pumped! My Mother-in-law is watching Miss A so its a win-win for everyone (and hopefully hubs will get some time with her as well) The hubby just went back on the list for the railroad that travels a bunch and overnight so this will take some getting used to.... #RailroadLife. I hope ya'll have a fabulous weekend and I'll see ya back here on Monday!

Linking up today with April from A. Liz Adventures, Amanda over at Meet @ the Barre and Karli with September Farm. for Friday 5 and Friday Favorites. Join in!

1. Favorite song: I LOVE this song and can't get enough recently!

2. Favorite outfit: How cute is this ensemble? Lovin' the tassel necklace

3. Favorite random article/find: Throwback to a little GG anyone?

What Blair Waldorf Taught Me

4. Favorite Funny: Now that I'm a Mama, I can totally feel this way right??

5. Favorite recipe: I'm thinking I want to give these a try!


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What's Hap-"pinning" Wednesday

Wednesday, August 19, 2015
With all of our home projects going on I can't help but browse Pinterest for inspiration on our unfinished spaces. We currently have our home office, a 2nd guest room, sitting lounge and a playroom to think about. Seems like a lot but we rarely use anything but the 1st floor so far so we can basically take our time on the others. I'm obsessed with old charm and keeping things and pieces from the time period of the home. I'm not talking about your Grandma's house that may or may not smell like moth balls, but just keeping time period pieces with your own touch of modern flare. I like to think of it as 'classic chic/old charm'. Antique-ing is probably one of my favorite things to do and there are SO many shops around here which makes it quite easy to do. (Anyone heard of Greenfront Furniture down here? Oh yea!)

Today I'm sharing some of my favorite pins recently that shed some light on future project plans. Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to grab the button and link up with Jenn and I for today's edition of What's Hap-'pinning' - can't wait to see what ya'll have going on!

Guest Room Inspiration
Playroom Inspiration

Sitting area/lounge Favorites


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Monday, August 17, 2015
Man, that long weekend flew by! Being at the bay house is one of my absolute favorite things to do. Even in the winter, it is so relaxing. I just love all that the community has to offer like the little restaurants and gorgeous sunsets. Miss A loves it too and she is an official beach bum! She slept under the umbrella each day and even got in the water! Mom and I had such a blast and went through many bottles of wine (haha) ate some fabulous seafood and worked on our tans. We did miss the hubs and Emma Jo so coming home (despite the laundry and cleaning) was just as nice. Hubs is off the next few days so we'll be working on our outdoor woodstove hook up (makes me so excited for Fall and cooler temps) Well little Miss vocal is calling for me - she watches cartoons on Disney channel and I swear she tries to sing along - I absolutely adore it! Hope ya'll have a fabulous day and start to the week! Also, try to hold back those tears Mamas if your little ones are starting school! My almost 14 year old niece sent me a snapchat of her "First day of school outfit" and I almost cried myself!

Linking up today with B Loved Boston & Champagne and Suburbs for Weekending 

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Sisterhood of the World Bloggers

Thursday, August 13, 2015
I received a tag from two beautiful, fabulous and fun ladies and decided to do a dual post using questions from both ladies! P!nkpers!stence & Chatting Over Chocolate are the lovely blogs I'm speaking of - check them out if you haven't already! The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers tag gives you a chance to throw out some fun facts about yourself while also learning new things about others! I always find these types of posts super fun to write and participate in. So, here we go:

These are the rules:
1. Provide a link and thank the blogger who nominated you for this award.
2. Answer a few questions about yourself.
3. Nominate some blogs that you love.
4. Include the award logo within your blog post.

My questions:

1.  Do you have a tradition that's unique to your family?
We do a huge multi-family Christmas party at our home and I absolutely love hosting and having a reason to start decorating early!2.  What recipe/dish are you most known for?
Baking cakes actually and desserts!

3.  Are there any goals that you hope to accomplish before the end of this year?
Pay off my the remainder of my student loan!

4.  What band/artist or album could you never tire of listening to?
Reba McEntire or any 90's country!

5.  If you could choose one store to go on a complimentary shopping spree which would it be? Lilly Pulitzer or Antique Furniture Stores!

6] What are your favorite kind of posts to read?
Favorite product or review posts & milestone posts! 7] Is your hair your natural color?
Nooope...it gets darker every day it seems haha
 8] What is your favorite decade and why?

I'm loving the fashion via the 60's - Astronaut Wives Club anyone? 9] Have you dealt with blog drama [mean comments, dramatic people, fake friends]? If so how did you deal?
No! Thankfully not! But if I did in the future- I'd have to call them out or simply remove them and the negativity. The blogging community is too fabulous for that sh*t!  10] If you could have any job in the world what would you do?
Oh this is a good one.... country singer in Nashville, Animal cop or veterinarian, high school counselor... Depends on my mood :)

If you want to participate, copy and paste these same questions to use! That way it is open to any and everyone that wants to answer and nominate others. Thank you ladies for the tag! I need some sun and my toes in the sand so I'm leaving this afternoon for a long weekend at our bay house so I'll catch up with ya'll next week! Have a great weekend ya'll! xoxo

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What's Hap-"pinning" : Andi is 4 Months!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015
First of all, thanks for stopping by and linking up for this week's What's Hap-"Pinning" with Jenn and myself! We are so excited to be hosting again and seeing everyone's fun posts! Andi is 4 months today and I seriously cannot believe how fast time is going by! She is mommy's little sidekick and I have NO idea what I did without her. She is also getting her second round shots this morning so send us some good vibes and prayers - bless her heart! Here are a few highlights and then also some pins that I've tied in for 4 month essentials

Grab our button and join in below!

"You are 4 months today little one! You are so tiny and petite and have almost rolled over completely. You can go from side to side and all the way around but just can't quite get that one arm pulled out from under you to complete the roll. You are SO happy and have this trademark wide open mouth smile thing you do that literally kills us! You love your Mommy and for now just love to look and smile at everyone as long as you are not in there arms...just mine...geez little girl. You are still solely breastfeeding and we have been so fortunate with the ease of this. I adore the bond you and I have formed. You have the absolute strongest legs and everyone can't get over you basically standing on your own. I have no doubt that you may be an early walker (a tiny shorty walker) You are holding and gripping things and taking your wubbanub paci in and out of your mouth. You are also a full-blown thumbsucker now but hey, you're a self-soother! You love sleep and still sleep from 9pm to 6am and then back down until sometimes 11am! You can hold your head up and steady like a champ on my hip but are still a little short in your excersaucer, etc. I hope you know how much we love you little girl! You are the joy of our lives! Happy 4 months Anderson!" -Mom & Dad


 1. Play Mat      2. Best Swing Ever    3. Wubbanub     4. Bumbo Seat

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Tailgate Tuesday

Tuesday, August 11, 2015
I must say that I'm pretty pumped to start seeing and hearing football talk around these parts! Fall is my absolute favorite and with it brings f-o-o-t-b-a-l-l ya'll. In the South, it's a way of life. College football is oh so popular but because I went to an all women's college, I didn't have a team to root for. With that said, I'm an NFL girl through and through and an optimisitic one at that....why you might ask? Oh you know, because I'm a die hard Skins fan and I have to make myself believe in them EVERY year.... I know, hush. This year will be their year (I can feel it - sort of...) GO SKINS! Also, as a little tid bit trivia: did you know my hubs is a Dallas Cowboys fan? None of us in the family know how that happened but it does make for very intense gamedays!

Today I wanted to share some new Redskins gear I plan to get little Miss A (without telling her father of course) Notice the two sided bib with both Dallas and Washington! (haha) Also, I'm sharing one of my go-to tailgate recipes. Not too much longer until pre-season! Linking up today with Erin from lovefunandfootball for Tailgate Tuesday!


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