What's Hap-"pinning" : Andi is 4 Months!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015
First of all, thanks for stopping by and linking up for this week's What's Hap-"Pinning" with Jenn and myself! We are so excited to be hosting again and seeing everyone's fun posts! Andi is 4 months today and I seriously cannot believe how fast time is going by! She is mommy's little sidekick and I have NO idea what I did without her. She is also getting her second round shots this morning so send us some good vibes and prayers - bless her heart! Here are a few highlights and then also some pins that I've tied in for 4 month essentials

Grab our button and join in below!

"You are 4 months today little one! You are so tiny and petite and have almost rolled over completely. You can go from side to side and all the way around but just can't quite get that one arm pulled out from under you to complete the roll. You are SO happy and have this trademark wide open mouth smile thing you do that literally kills us! You love your Mommy and for now just love to look and smile at everyone as long as you are not in there arms...just mine...geez little girl. You are still solely breastfeeding and we have been so fortunate with the ease of this. I adore the bond you and I have formed. You have the absolute strongest legs and everyone can't get over you basically standing on your own. I have no doubt that you may be an early walker (a tiny shorty walker) You are holding and gripping things and taking your wubbanub paci in and out of your mouth. You are also a full-blown thumbsucker now but hey, you're a self-soother! You love sleep and still sleep from 9pm to 6am and then back down until sometimes 11am! You can hold your head up and steady like a champ on my hip but are still a little short in your excersaucer, etc. I hope you know how much we love you little girl! You are the joy of our lives! Happy 4 months Anderson!" -Mom & Dad


 1. Play Mat      2. Best Swing Ever    3. Wubbanub     4. Bumbo Seat

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