These are the rules:
1. Provide a link and thank the blogger who nominated you for this award.
2. Answer a few questions about yourself.
3. Nominate some blogs that you love.
4. Include the award logo within your blog post.
My questions:
1. Do you have a tradition that's unique to your family?
We do a huge multi-family Christmas party at our home and I absolutely love hosting and having a reason to start decorating early!2. What recipe/dish are you most known for?
Baking cakes actually and desserts!
3. Are there any goals that you hope to accomplish before the end of this year?
Pay off my the remainder of my student loan!
4. What band/artist or album could you never tire of listening to?
Reba McEntire or any 90's country!
5. If you could choose one store to go on a complimentary shopping spree which would it be? Lilly Pulitzer or Antique Furniture Stores!
6] What are your favorite kind of posts to read?
Favorite product or review posts & milestone posts! 7] Is your hair your natural color? gets darker every day it seems haha
8] What is your favorite decade and why?
I'm loving the fashion via the 60's - Astronaut Wives Club anyone? 9] Have you dealt with blog drama [mean comments, dramatic people, fake friends]? If so how did you deal?
No! Thankfully not! But if I did in the future- I'd have to call them out or simply remove them and the negativity. The blogging community is too fabulous for that sh*t! 10] If you could have any job in the world what would you do?
Oh this is a good one.... country singer in Nashville, Animal cop or veterinarian, high school counselor... Depends on my mood :)
If you want to participate, copy and paste these same questions to use! That way it is open to any and everyone that wants to answer and nominate others. Thank you ladies for the tag! I need some sun and my toes in the sand so I'm leaving this afternoon for a long weekend at our bay house so I'll catch up with ya'll next week! Have a great weekend ya'll! xoxo
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