Sweet Tooth

Tuesday, February 11, 2014
I was craving a little something sweet last night and seeing all these valentine related goodies on Pinterest sent me over the edge! So while making dinner I whipped up some pink strawberry cupcakes with a little valentine 'flair'! (I think of this scene every time someone uses the word flair haha) 

Needless to say we ate about 3 each and miss Emma was dying to have a bite! That is why we never keep or make sweets often because we eat them in about one sitting! They did go well with wine for the Bachelor last night.... ps is anyone as sick of this season as I am? I'm just not liking Juan Pablo at all and the fact that I doubt he understands any of the women unless they are tongue-in-mouth making out. I NEED MORE DEPTH JUAN! (oh me and my unrealistic demands of the Bachelor on ABC) haha I love this stuff....I really do...who am I kidding? HEY! Do you need a quick valentine card? HERE:

You're Welcome

Anyway moving on to cupcakes as originally planned:

I heart pink

Got to use one of our tray wedding gifts! (so summery!)

Look at that face!

 photo signature_zps6045ff3e.png


  1. I'm LOVING your tray! Where did you order it from (or register)? What an amazing gift! Such cute cupcakes too! YUMMY! :)

    1. I'm not sure where it is from- I think our friends may have ordered it locally? I'll have to check! Thank you!

  2. Bless those pinkalicious cupcakes! SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOO CUTE! And sprinkles make everything better! :) xx

  3. Send me a cupcake please! ALSO I am so over Juan Paublo...he legit has like five phrases he uses and that is it...how all these girls are allegedly falling for him is beyond me.

    1. right?! I'd have to talk so slow for him to understand me hahaha

  4. Those cupcakes look delicious! And I'm pretty bored of Juan Pablo, he's kind of a jerk and I feel like totally isn't there for the right reasons as much as he wants to believe he is. I'm almost tempted to read the spoilers and I never do that!! I'm hoping the next Bachelorette doesn't come from this group either!

  5. Emma's face! How can you not cave? I had girls over for book club Sunday and Bella was perfecting her 'pitiful, feed me' face on them too! Labs. :)

  6. Love the tray and OMG please send me a cupcake ASAP! :)


  7. Oh my gosh those look so yummy.....ohhhh that car dancing is too much.... That tray is so adorable!!!

  8. Sweets make me way too happy. Currently I am trying not to devour a box of samoas!

  9. Oooooh! Those cupcakes look divine! Send one my way! haha :) I totally agree about the Bachelor. He's so ridiculous! One second he talks about how he wouldn't do certain things in front of his daughter and the next second he's making out with someone! Damn men... Lol :)

  10. Girlfriend, that Valentine is soo good!!! I just about died laughing when I saw it!!

  11. I love strawberry cupcakes!! What recipe did you use? I was over Juan Pablo about 30 min into episode 1 and haven't watched since...I feel so out of the loop but looks like I am not missing out on much!

    1. haha you're not even missing good drama at this point! Just box recipe this time! :(

  12. Those cupcakes look so cute! And I'm sure they were delicious!
    I think you're in the wrong profession....you need to start your own cupcake business :)
    I'll gladly be a taste tester.

  13. Adorable cupcakes! I can't make sweets around the house, nobody to feed them to!

  14. I still feel undecided about Juan Pablo's season. I adore him but he really needs to do a better job getting to know the ladies more!
    xo TJ


  15. How did you only eat three each? I could eat the whole batch!! YUMMY!!!

  16. Those cupcakes are so cute! I LOVE your tray too! PS I'm not even watching The Bachelor this season and I don't like Juan Pablo based on what I've seen and heard. How did they pick this guy?!

  17. Pink cupcakes - sign me up! I'm dying over the Juan valentine! I knew you'd be on top of that ;)

  18. Yum! Great job on the cupcakes! I have such a sweet tooth lately too!

  19. These turned out so cute! I have been wanting to try a strawberry muffin recipe!

    And I agree...Juan is boring!
