Tuesday is for Tea

Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Or a redbull in my case.... haha Anyway I'm so excited to link up with some of my favorite bloggers as they host a new series called Tuesday Tea. This is a link-up just to share any kind of tidbit that is on your mind and that is a fabulous way to start out a random Tuesday morning don't you think? Thank you so much to our hosts: Jenni, Khala, Samantha & Reneé

For today's tidbit (Tuesday tea tidbit?) I want to introduce one of my best friends to you all who just joined the blogging world! Tiffany and I have been friends for years and she is literally my craft partner and DIY bestie. Every time we get together there is a project involved and we adore visiting her and her hubby in good ole' Durham, NC. Head over to her blog and show her some love ya'll! -She also just landed a new job about 3 days after her blog went live so give it some time :) Love you Queen Tiff!

Love her!!

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  1. Tuesday Tea Tidbit is perfect!! Her blog is crazy cute too - just like yours. I love having friends that just want to get crafty! Thanks for joining us Jessi! xo

  2. Oh Hey Favorite! Tuesday Tea Tidbit is great!
    New friends?! I love new Friends! :) Off to meet Tiffany....

    Thanks so much for linking-up with us today, Love! Happy Tuesday Tea..Tidbit!

  3. Looking forward to checking out her blog!

  4. Love that sweet pic of you two cuties!!! Popping over to her blog now! YAY! xx

  5. I love welcoming newcomers to the blog world! It is such a unique community, welcome Tiffany :)

  6. Always great when IRL friends come to the blogging world!! You both looked great at your wedding!!

  7. So sweet! I'm definitely heading over to her blog to check it out! Starting a new blog is so intimidating! I'm so happy you've introduced her! Welcome Tiff! And thank you Jessi for linking up with us today, girl! xo

  8. Hi Jess! You and your blog are so adorable! I love that you shared Tiffany with us! Hope you're having a fabulous week so far!

  9. How cute! Love the saying on the linkup button! "Because it's too early for cocktails" Naaaah! It's never too early! ;) Girl, you should try AdvoCare spark instead of redbull in your morning routine! It's amazing! It's a sugar free energy drink that tastes like koolaid! :)

  10. What a great friend you are! Will definitely head over and say hello to her! Have a great day!

  11. Hey Jess! Loving the Tuesday Tea! Thanks for hosting! Your blog is adorable! I will be sure to stop by and say hi to Tiffani as well!

  12. Such a cute link up! Heading over to see her blog!

  13. I love the picture of you & your friend at your wedding. You look like a princess!


  14. How sweet of you to introduce your girl!

  15. Love that picture of y'all guys :)
