Weekend Recap (on Tuesday)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014
So another joint birthday weekend was a success and I feel like I am still in recovery mode. Heather stayed through Monday morning so she could be there on my actual birthday AND work closed due to inclement weather! (What a great birthday present right?) We also had a faaabulous Oscar party which I will of course recap my best dressed list shortly. I mainly spent the day packing and I am feeling a bit overwhelmed to say the least! I can't believe that, if every goes smoothly, we will be closing on the new house in 3 days! Anyway I feel so blessed at this point in my life with my family, friends, husband, job and potential new home so despite the feelings of being overwhelmed, I am secretly bursting inside with excitement! I hope everyone had a great weekend and is staying warm where ever you are- Spring, let's get a move on please!

Oh guess what? It's Tuesday tea as well with our hosts: Jenni, Khala, Samantha & Reneé
Thanks Loves!


Ok now I have to say that I LOVED the Oscars this year and if you know me you know I love awards season. I thought most of the awards were very well-deserved and it was a nice mix from the Golden Globes last month. (Leo won the Golden for best actor so when he missed this one I didn't cry too terribly much- and besides, Matthew's speech was ON POINT ya'll. No one seems to thank God as much and I loved that he made that the center of his speech! If you missed it, J-Leto had a great speech too!)


1. Kate Hudson (oh em gee ya'll) in Versace

Kate even stunned at the after party!

#2 for best dressed goes to Lupita Nyong'o in Prada (ya'll KNOW I LOVE blue- go girl!)

And #3 I'm giving to Sandy's classic Alexander McQueen number

And for the men I'm going with..... Drumroll please:

#1. Leonardo DiCaprio (Um Duh- was there any other question for me ya'll?)

And number 2: I really liked Mr. Spacy! This blue on black trend (that we saw a lot of..) was never my favorite but I think he really pulled it off!

So- what did ya'll pick? Anyone I missed that REALLY needs a shoutout?

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  1. I loved Charlize Theron's dress.. she is just beautiful in anything though!

    1. I did love it but not the faint see-through straps (the dress looked thick enough/abstract enough that it may have stayed up without them haha) Good pick though!

  2. Jessi! I could not agree more with your Best Dressed choices! Kate's first number was drop dead gorgeous! Loved it all! I also feel like I could sleep in Lupita's dress, and be totally comfy ; ) Thanks for linking up with us today lovey! xo

  3. I'm totally with you on your dress picks, they mirror mine today too!


  4. Happy Happy Birthday!! What a great birthday present...to be closing on your new house!! EEK...I'm so thrilled for you!! :)

  5. Agree with the dress picks - although I would have to put a good case also for Ellen dressing up as Glenda the good witch. Classic Ellen! :)

  6. Whatever is in those mason jars looks very tasty!!! It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday too! And a snow day to top it all off, jealous!

  7. Kate looked gorgeous!!! Glad you had a fun birthday weekend, enjoyed all your Insta pics :)

  8. SO happy birthday was a success! :)

  9. Yay for fabulous b-day wknd...and Yay x 10 for no work on your b-day! Oh...and Kate pretty much ALWAYS nails it....and does the girl ever age? She's soooooo pretty!

  10. Did I already wish you happy birthday!? Well if I did (or didn't) Happy Birthday!

  11. Looks like a great weekend. Love your Oscars picks!

  12. Kate Hudson looked AMAZING and this is the first time I've seen her after party dress.. perfection!!

  13. I agree. Kate was the crowd favorite. She looked the best I have ever seen her.

  14. Happy birthday to you! Looks like ya'll had lots of fun!


  15. Totally lusting over you and your friend's necklaces!

  16. I loved all of those too! I also thought Amy Adams looked great and I loved Olivia Wilde & Jason Sudekis!

  17. Lupita can not do wrong. Adore her :)
    xo TJ

