Monday's Are Baaacckk!

Monday, January 5, 2015
Oh my goodness first of all HELLO long lost blogging community! Being disconnected was much needed but man did I miss ya'll and man do I have a lot of catching up to do! Getting a full 2 weeks off and being able to spend so much time at home with my husband for a change was seriously the absolute best! I mean, we were like best buds ya'll haha we did everything together and now I'm pretty sure I'll need to go on some sort of medication for me to make it through a full work day.

A little recap? The weekend was fabulous- I spent Friday night with Heather and got to see her twin girls which was perfect! They are doing so fantastic and are projected home VERY soon so it was great squeezing in another sleepover with them. Afterwards, we grabbed lunch with another college friend and her fiance and talked all things for her upcoming wedding at the end of February (countdown is on!) Sunday we spent the day at the hospital with Seth's grandpa who fell and broke his hip and is recovering from surgery. He is in great spirits and is recovering very well! Deciding on a rehab facility so we can get him home! Prayers appreciated! Afterwards, we grabbed a date night dinner opportunity and headed home.

Nursery progress is in FULL swing now that hubby is officially back in action and I am thrilled with the look of things. We decided on a pale green for the walls to highlight the white trim and white furniture and will be adding TONS of pink accents. We bought an antique dresser and re-painted it so now she has her first antique. We also ordered the convertible Eddie Bauer Langley Crib from Target and it is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Can we say bring on the pregnancy hormone tears when hubs is setting that one up?

***Oh- so you might be asking, why are Monday's Baaaccck Jess? Well.... THE BACHELOR STARTS TONIGHT YA'LL! Anyone who knows me knows this is my ultimate guilty pleasure in life. The only thing I'm concerned about this year? Watching the show 100% sober...hmmmm will I even like it as much? (ha!!) I'm so excited for the beautiful farmer Chris and I'll be live tweeting starting at 8pm. (Let's  not forget he favorited one of my tweets last season!)I've also provided a bracket if you want to join in on the fun!***

Anyway I hope everyone had a great weekend and is adjusting to reality better than I am- ugh. Linking up today with the lovely Biana from B Loved Boston for Weekending

 Nursery Inspiration pin:

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