How far along? 27 Weeks & 6 days
Size of Baby: 14.5 inches and 2 lbs
Total weight gain/loss: We'll find out on Monday!
Symptoms: Lower back pain and the bigger my round belly gets, the harder it is to get comfortable or move in and out of the bed. It's a two person effort sometimes! Also, acid reflux! What the heck? I've never had it and it is EW (cue Jimmy Fallon)
Maternity clothes? Oh yes! All day everyday! Still living in my Old Navy maternity leggings and loving the tops with the side ruching! (spelling?)
Stretch marks? Nope- thank goodness! That line is getting more visible though and my skin feels soooo tight ugh so I've been doubling up on the lotions and belly butters. My belly is literally growing by day so I wouldn't be surprised if I noticed some on the sides - boo.
Sleep: Heating pad is essential and big leg pillow! Poor hubby gets all of his pillows stolen too!
Best moment this week: I guess getting back into a routine. Fingers crossed (and washed) that no sickness hits me- I have so many cleaning products and even CDC grade spray in my office ya'll! Can't be too careful!
Miss Anything? Being able to put on my shoes, pants and underwear without looking like I'm doing yoga and being out of breath. Shaving legs? Same thing! Also, not being able to see my lady at ALL (haha)
Movement: ALL the time! My little crazy dancer is still in full force! Her movements are no longer sporadic and quick- it is more like slow motion touches and pushes between the two of us and I melt/cry almost every time. Watching it take shape on the outside of my belly is incredible!
Food cravings: Orange juice!! I buy it 2-3 gallons at a time (no joke) and Italian ice or 7-11 icees like crazy!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: Umm yes
Gender prediction: Girl! Miss Anderson Greer Otey (Andi)
Nursery: That glider should be here any day now!
Workouts: 2 walks with Emma in this week so far (more like waddles) and squat/weights at night before bed plus stretching
Labor Signs: eeek no!
Belly Button in or out? both?
Wedding rings on or off? On but feel bigger- I think that happens in winter though
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Loving this little girl so much already and pregnancy is literally just a healthier version of my self!
Looking forward to:Monday's glucose check appointment to get it out of the way. Also, on Saturday we have our first class at the hospital on all things newborn! (5 hours!) Thanks hubs!

Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15

Week 16 Week 17 Week 18
Week 19 Week 20 Week 23
Week 25 Week 26
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