Diaper Bag 101

Thursday, July 2, 2015
What do you realllly need in that diaper bag? I'm sure, like me, you mamas-to-be have read or searched for countless posts/pins about what to put in that diaper bag. I printed out like 3 before leaving for the hospital so that when I got back I would be prepared. While preparing is good and all - you really only need a few essential things. (well, the following are things we get by with!) However, I use my diaper bag as my purse too so of course I have a few other items like make-up, etc. stashed in there!

My actual diaper bag - large but in charge! (Kate Spade diaper bags are
fantastic - tons of space and TONS of pockets and stylish too! You can't go wrong!)

 1. Diapers -duh!

2. Burp cloths - I say stash at least two!

3. Wipes in a cute case of course

4. Sofie toy when they're old enough

5. We use A&D ointment

6. Soothie paci

7. Breastfeeding cover if you like those

8. Medela breast pads

9. A blanket doesn't hurt - especially if you don't have your changing pad

10. Changing pad

11. Mini First Aid kit

12. Snacks!

I think I may have a coozie or two, some pens, hair ties, baby lotion and hand sanitizer too. Another honorable mention would be to put a ziploc bag or two in some pocket for when there is no trashcan around for dirty diapers. Also, with the heat and sun being insane lately - sunscreen! We are solely breastfeeding so of course a bottle would be a good idea if that's not the case for you but I promise that just about sums it up! I hope this helps!

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