I'm back! Whew- I'm so out of the loop I'm sure but being away with a change of scenery is always nice. We celebrated my friend Tiff and her baby boy (due next month) and then headed down to the bay house. I have to admit though, the weather sucked! It was cloudy, windy and semi-chilly the ENTIRE week. No beach time for these gals because we would have blown away for sure. Emma didn't let the waves and rough waters stop her - that girl was chasing sticks and riding waves for days! (a few times I thought I might have to jump in and save her..) We spent the days with Starbucks in hand, antique shopping, boutique shopping, old home and church touring and eating tons of seafood fresh produce from the area. Of course the day we left it was humid and sunny which almost tempted me to stay longer...ugh it always seems to work like that on vacation huh?
Anyway, we are back and we sure did miss Dad/Hubs and I know he missed little Miss A - he wasn't able to join us at all so we were apart for the whole week. I do have to brag a little. I came home to a clean home with fresh clean sheets/duvet and even staged pillows, cleaned out fridge and kitchen, no laundry and my favorite candles lit! I was so happy to just come home and relax instead of worrying with those thing. Go Hubs!!!!
Also, don't forget to enter the pumpkin spice everything giveaway for your chance to take home $75 to Starbucks!
Linking up today with
Biana &
Meghan for Weekending
a fun restaurant we tried had tons of cute quotes on the walls! |
Mom captured some Disney cartoon watching with my love muffin |
Some fav snaps!
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