WHW: Lately

Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Ya'll, this month has really been so much fun and now we have Halloween (and a reason to pair candy with our wine) right around the corner! Welcome to another What's Hap-'Pinning' Wednesday - link up with us below and share anything! We've had so many festivals, good fall food, great weather (now that its cooler) and good news from friends (one blogging friend to be exact!) I'm extremely happy and simply love this time of year! 

On the other hand, Andi has definitely grown a little more strong-willed in the last week...its like a light switch went off and she just wants to be independent. Its heartbreaking at times but I want to thank all of ya'll for your excellent discipline and coping advice. A lot of the suggestions have been working like a charm! She's still my adventurous love muffin that would live outside if we let her. I love her so much more each day and its just hard to grasp that she's growing up and learning more about herself and the world around her (cue the baby fever..the newborn stage just isn't long enough) We took her to another local festival and ya'll, she had a blast! I have to share some pics from our day and give ya'll a daily overdose of Miss A. I also took her to my high school's homecoming, a tradition of mine, and my Dad decked her out in so much gear that she HAS to go there now! (haha) We had so much fun! I hope ya'll have a great rest of the week! 

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