Friday 5

Friday, June 15, 2018
Hey y'all and happy Fri-YAY! Today I'm not sharing in the usual Friday 5 fashion because I have a little more than 5 things (or in this case, photos) to share. We put our first custom cabinetry consultation on the books for the 29th of this month and they asked us to send some inspiration photos so they could better decide on what samples and colors to bring, etc. Inspiration photos you say? Of course! I've got tons! (in the words of Ariel, "You want thingamabobs? I've got 20!") I'm really excited with the direction we're taking with this new kitchen and while we're no where near ready to install cabinets, we've also never had to have them custom made so we're not sure how long the process may take. We've been pretty lucky with our previous renovations and we've just used the existing cabinetry and layout and painted them ourselves.

We're doing white, square panel cabinets this time around and a large center island that will most likely measure 5' by 8'. There will be tons of natural light with 4 large windows and outside access door to the back deck. We also get our first little Butler's pantry/wet bar so we are sending in photos for that inspiration as well. I'm thinking I won't match the cabinet and counter color of the kitchen so that the wet bar is its own standalone statement piece. Take a look at the photos below, disregarding color schemes, and let me know what y'all think. 

Have a fabulous weekend! 

#1 - Island Inspo

#2 - hardware inspo + cabinets

#3 - Actual color scheme design inspo for our new kitchen

#4 Butler's Pantry/Wet Bar Inspo

 photo signature_zpsdnzukjhu.png

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