Sprucing up Porch: Fall edition

Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Hey ya'll! So each day after work this week I think of something else I could add to the porch and then I saw (while cleaning back french doors from Emma's nose art) this plain wooden bench on the back porch. Grabbed that sucker- put a coat of paint on him and now I have the perfect stand for my pumpkins! Simple and cheap (already had the paint/brushes) Also decided to do my own monogram pumpkin this year- not as pretty as slapping a nice even decal on there but love it nonetheless! Last week I ordered some acrylic cut out 6 inch monograms so I could complete my fall wreath and they still haven't come in so we'll add that to the door as soon as they arrive in my mailbox! Hubs and I are picking out some fun carving templates so stay tuned! -enjoy the rest of your week & happy crafting!- head over to my good eats section if you need quick dinner plans! Just added a new recipe via Dixie Delights!

btw- American Horror Story Coven starts tonight! Does anyone else obsess over this or is it just me? (and just in time for Halloween!) Red wine? check. No plans so I won't have to DVR? check. yesss.

Emma helping..

simple makeover!

I do love fall (& its finally actual fall temps now! chilly!)