The Sunshine Award (& Happy Halloween!)

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thanks to Miss Taylor @ Tattered to Taylored I've been nominated for the Sunshine Award- I'm really trying to get a good routine in my blogging lately so this is exciting and also a great way to get to know other bloggers! Check out some info on me as well as 11 bloggers I've newly nominated myself!

Here are the rules:
{The rules}
Post a pic of the award in your post
Post 11 random facts about yourself
Answer the 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you
Nominate 11 bloggers
Write 11 questions for them to answer
Let them know they're nominated!

11 'random' facts about ME

1. I love scary movies and Stephen King
2. I'm obsessed with big, old homes that need TLC (we're looking at real estate!)
3. I can't live without sour gummy candy
4. I'm a Pisces
5. I went to an all Women's college and it was the best decision of my life (Go Hollins!)
6. I love country music
7. With that said, the first night I met my husband I sang Reba McEntire 'Fancy' to him (haha)
8. But Whitney Houston is my go-to for Karaoke
9. I'm a Certified Wedding Planner (but also work full time in Global Education)
10. I just recently went brunette ... still adjusting
11. I've been a newlywed for almost 2 months and borderline monogram OBSESSED

Now I answer 11 questions from Taylor who nominated me!

- Name a blog that inspires you: The blog I first started following was Dixie Delights -Amanda actually inspired me to start blogging in the first place! I loved the idea of showcasing the DIY stuff and crafts I was doing almost nightly in my old dining room (craft room)
- Who is your favorite Harry Potter Character? oh my gosh...Do I completely suck because I've never read them?
- White or Red wine? Definitely RED (but having white on hand is always good too)
- Brad Pitt or Alexander Skarsgard? Old school Brad- I'm thinking like 'Legends of the Fall' Ha!
- Team Aniston or Jolie?
Aniston (my husband loves her....)
- Favorite Christmas movie-
This is funny and probably not traditional but every year we watch 'Jack Frost' with Michael Keaton and I cry every time ha love it! (love 'A Christmas Story' on TBS marathon every year though!)
- If you could go anywhere right now where would you go?
Back to Italy so my husband could see it!
- Desert island and you can bring three things, what are they?
Water, Sour gummies and red wine. Wait- my husband? no...monistat and perfume! hahaha jussst kidding
- What are you afraid of?
This is weird ya'll, but ever since I was little I freak out being somewhere (like a place of business or something) that is about to close!
- Backstreet boys, Nsync, or NKOTB?
Backstreet's back...ALRIGHT!
- Why should we read your blog?
Why should you read any blog? It connects you with other everyday people that have been, are going, or may be going through some of life's milestones at the same time as yourself! It is a wonderful place to showcase your talents and let others see your true inner creativity and sometimes silliness! And come on..we all kind of love to see what others are doing and how they are doing it. Blogging is FABULOUS and I hope you will continue to stop by! :)

My nominations: (there is WAY more than 11 but here we go)

Tammy Jo with "You Wouldn't Call it a Drinking Problem..."
Elise with "Cheers Yall"
Neri with "Sparking with Sneakers"
Tori with "Twenty Something"
Lindsey with "Lindsey Snaps"
Becky with "This is Happiness"
Taylor Rae with "Something Turquoise"
State of Mine
Lauren with "Peach State of Mind"
Morgan with "Believe in the Sparks"
Jill with "You, me & Capri"

My questions for the nominees:

1.) Top reason for blogging?
2.) Red or White Wine? 
3.) Football Fan? Team!
4.) Man Crush?
5.) Woman Crush?
6.) What would your dream vacation consist of?
7.) Do you have any fur babies?
8.) If someone was to describe you in one word it would be?
9.) What is your favorite holiday?
10.) What is your favorite book? (I'm looking to start a new one)
11.) Best advice for a young girl?

Thank you all for participating and I love your blogs! - Almost Friday! Oh...and Happy Halloween Ya'll!

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  1. Thanks so much for nominating me Jessi! You are so sweet :) It made my day!

    1. So so glad!! I just wanted to pick the ones I'd been reading lately ;)

  2. I love scary movies, too! Well, I have a love-hate relationship with them in the sense that I'm terrified of them, but I desperately want to watch all of them. It's a disease haha

    I'm your newest follower :)

    1. ok The Conjuring was my most recent 'new' one I watched and loooved but ACTUALLY scared me!! so so good!

  3. Thank you so much for nominating me :)

  4. 1. OMG YOU WENT BRUNETTE! I am a platinum blonde and have been FOREVER, I want to go dark but am terrrrified! Share pic girl!
    2. Your monistat comment made me LOL. literally.
    3. Love you blog :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Taylor SAME! Been blonde so long but roots were so dark so I was like hmm I'm clearly lying to myself- its getting a tad lighter each wash and I'm really starting to like it- I'll post a pic for 5 on Friday tomorrow! -annnd sometimes I have no filter hahaha but all I could think of was no showering on a hot desert island? ahh! -and thanks for your sweet comments! :)

  5. Thank you for nominating me Jessi! You are so sweet! I loved answering your questions and learning more about you! I posted mine today! =) I hope you get a chance to read. You are such a doll!

    1. I think its fun just reading about others with those questions haha Thanks so much Jill heading your way now!!

  6. Blond to Brunette. That merits its own post gf! Neat learning more about you.

    1. Thanks! haha it was a huge change and I've recently posted about it! :) its growing one me!
