Weekend Recap & Last Minute Spooky Treats!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! Today is technically my Monday so at least the week will seem shorter. Last weekend was a busy one indeed- I had my high school homecoming on Friday night (yes a group of us loves to go each year, school spirit ya'll!) and Saturday I took a trip to my DIY bestie's house (Queen Tiff) for a spooky scary movie marathon sleepover! (How old am I?) Hubby was working out of town so he was gone all weekend and I hadn't seen her since the our wedding. Also, I found it very appropriate to showcase their home for Halloween since it is in fact their favorite time of the year- I think I mentioned last week that the Peck's were married on Halloween!

Anyway, I just wanted to share some of the pictures with you all as well as two (yummy) last minute treat ideas for entertaining. Enjoy!

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Peck Halloween Home Tour

You should see it at night!

Thanks for having me Peck family!!

Mrs. Peck

Carving our puke pie pumpkin!

YUM- spicy guac dip!

Chewy candy mummy cupcakes!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Tammy! I've been on such a guacamole kick lately!

  2. Could we be any more Martha Stewart-esque?

  3. Wow you've reallllly gone all out!!!!! I've nominated you for The Sunshine Award, deets are over on my blog :)

