A Retro Holiday Affair

Monday, December 23, 2013
This will be a quick post but I just had to share details about the Retro Holiday party I attended on Saturday night. The ladies of the Metzger household had the BEST theme idea I've heard in a long time! (And I'm a sucker for theme parties...I think going to an all women's college has something to do with it..) A Retro Holiday Affair! Everyone came decked out in their best 50's/Mad Men era attire and being in character came very easy for some reason!

Look at that fabulous hair!

found this gem of a dress on Ebay ya'll!

Also happening around here...another engagement!! If you know me then you know I adore all things wedding (I mean, I am a wedding planner!) One of my favorite ladies and her beau (who was in our wedding!) got engaged a few days ago and it is almost like a Christmas present for me! (haha) I can't wait to dive into planning with her and spoil her rotten. She is one of my absolute most hilarious friends so this will be one wild ride from start to finish! (Right Richard??) Congrats to Richard & Blair! :)

All of us last summer!

Look at that sparkler!! (Hope she doesn't mind me sharing!)

Anyway I'm off to my parents house for a full day of cooking and preparations for tomorrow's annual Christmas eve tacky sweater party. On the menu for today: Sausage balls (a ton of em) Spicy Jalapeno Cranberry Crostinis, Parmesan Ranch Mushrooms, Sugar Cookies, Meatballs, Mimosas... whew I need to get going! Pictures to follow for sure of all the Tacky Sweater-ness.

Merry almost Christmas Ya'll!!

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  1. This is such a great idea for a holiday party theme! I love your white dress! What a happy weekend! xo

  2. What a fun Christmas party! I love this idea---you look fabulous! Have a beautiful Christmas lady!

  3. First of am so jealous of that awesome hair AND that great party! Second...wedding planning is my DREAM JOB!! uhg....I. LOVE. THEM.

    Happy Baking, Love! (that menu makes me hungry)

    1. Isn't that the coolest theme?! I knew I wanted to plan weddings too so I got certified about 2 years ago and I do it on the side!

  4. Glad to have made it over to your blog! That party looks like so much fun..I love any excuse to get dolled up in costume!

  5. What an awesome looking party - so cute!
