Emma Jo's 2nd Birthday!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014
It's hard to believe that my little dog-ter is turning 2 years old today! (ok ya'll I do not have kids yet so my energy goes into my fur-baby) Emma Jo is my first "girl" pup so I have spoiled her rotten in all things pink & girly despite my hubby's attempts to try and stop the pink explosion around the house. This last year was especially a tough one for Emma after her accident with getting hit by and car and running off for a few days afterwards (back in August I believe I blogged about the incident) We were SO thankful to have her back right before our wedding and today she is completely healed and celebrating her 2nd birthday with new bones, biscuits, tutus and tiaras!

Happy birthday Miss Emma Jo!

Happy 2nd birthday to You!

First Bath!

Her first trip to the bay!

First Family Photo!

First Picture EVER!
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  1. Oh my gosh, she is precious. Happy birthday to your dog-ter :)

  2. Glad to see I'm not the only crazy dog mom on the planet! Your baby is too cute!

  3. Bless that sweet baby girl!!! HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY, EMMA JO!!!!!!!!!
    I hope she got a frosty paw tonight! (Please say you know about Frosty Paws!!!!!)

  4. OH.MY.WORD. I love her!!!! Happy 2nd birthday, sweet Emma Jo! It's good to be TWO (or at least it is for my toddler - haha!!).

    Love that you have spoiled her rotten - it's definitely the way to do it! :)

    1. LOVED your pup's pics as well! Too cute! :) (January Babies!)
