Girl Power!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Today I wanted to give a shout out to all the ladies out there! Sorry men folk, this one's for the girls! Power to the Woman! I don't know what got into me this morning (well, I think it was all the mommy blogs and birth stories I've accidentally been reading for over an hour) but I got super excited for future family plans, felt super spiritied about my all women's college education and reunion coming up and just wanted to say I r-e-s-p-e-c-t all the strong willed, wildly entertaining, independent, Southern (ok ok and Northern) women out there! (run on sentence or what?) I Hope everyone has a terrific Tuesday and rest of the week!

Oh! And don't forget to enter the April Showers Bring May Flowers Hunter Boots giveaway for your chance at your very own pair!

Linking up with the lovely Jenni, Sam & Renee for Tuesday Tea

You Go LC! Best Answer EVER

Um anyone see J-Simp at a red carpet event last night? KILLIN it!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway photo signature_zps6045ff3e.png


  1. I love the 'well-behaved women seldom make history' quote! I used to have it hanging in my office at work, I should dig it back out. And thanks so much for giving us Northerners some love too! xoxo

  2. Love the "women empower each other" quote. So true!

  3. Yah! Girl power! :) Ha! Happy Tuesday.

  4. Love this -- girl power!! And yes JS is looking amazing!!

  5. Yes to girl power! Hope you're having a wonderful day!

  6. Seriously...I'm soooo impressed with Jessica Simpson's new look. Smokin' hotttt...kinda motivates me to get with it...(kinda is the emphasis in that sentence!). Last night I heard Martina McBride's song, "This One's for the Girls"...and I was thinking about how lucky I am to have such amazing women in my life!

  7. Ahhh haha I love that LC quote! She didn't even think twice! And Jessica Simpson is totally rocking it.. I started following her on Instagram and her little family is the cutest!

  8. LC saying CEO is such a boss move! Class act that girl!

  9. Love this!! And love LC....she's the best! And love the quote about women empowering each other, yes please I love that!! (Um, maybe I went a bit overboard on love?! Oh well :)

  10. fabulous post! thanks for sharing :)

  11. LOVE the LC answer, she is awesome! I instantly started singing "who run the world, GIRLS!" ;)

  12. Yes yes and YES!!! I loved LC's answer and Jessica Simpson has been rocking clothes this year!! I'm really excited for future babies too...
