Weekend Snap Shots!

Monday, April 14, 2014
I'm sort of bummed it's Monday- stuck in an office all day, already missin' the gorgeous weather and really tired with itchy pollen eyes! Ugh! The weekend however was beautiful and we got a little more done on the house. This post will be a little picture heavy but here are some of the things that went on around these parts over the weekend. Hope everyone has a fabulous week!

Kitchen floor is in and ready to be finished this week!

Had enough for the kitchen bath! (originally we were going to tile it)

Picked out ceramic tile for the laundry room- kind of regal looking no? haha SLIPPERY looking....

It'll be great once the walls are painted pale gray!

Bye Bye vinyl (still have to put down cement board first- just playing with patterns)

Roof is repaired and yucky stuff all ripped down- ready for new metal this week!

Master closet ceiling painted and wallpaper removed to find..PANELING, YUCK!

Added some liquid gold cleaner to the ole' table and I love him!

Primed the master drywall

I sanded the old ceilings (haha with my mask and goggles)

Spent Sunday with my parents and captured this!

Ya'll he sleeps with his tongue out!!

Oh yea, and the official Mr. Chrisley favorited my tweet haha

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  1. Yay for the Twitter fave! Love the Sunday puppy pic too ;)

  2. Love the pictures of your pup! Your house is coming together nicely! xo

  3. Wow! You guys are making awesome progress. The tile for the laundry room is so pretty!!

  4. Look at that progress, keep it up!

  5. Haha love that Todd Chrisley favorited your tweet! I started watching that show last week and couldn't stop! He is a crazy man. Jealous of your giant kitchen! Pretty sure my whole apartment would fit in there haha!

  6. Y'all are having so much progress! So exciting! I love the tiles, too!

  7. Your house looks fab and OMG Todd Chrisley!!!! OBSESSED. Xx.

  8. everything looks amazing - i cannot wait to see the finished product :)

  9. Whoa...you got LOTS done this wknd! Nice that you had enough extra to put wood floors in the bathroom off the kitchen. And I didn't think I could love that table any more...but it cleaned up really well!

  10. I am in awe of your house progress!! My husband jokes that it takes me 6 months to finish putting up bathroom shelves. haha.

  11. Wow! You'll have gotten a lot of work done! Fun stuff!

  12. You guys are tackling your new house with a vengeance!!!!!! Do you plan to leave the paneling?

  13. I'm kinda jealous of your Chrisley favorite not going to lie ;-) You should totally have taped an HGTV series with all your demo and rehabbing!

  14. Can't wait to see the final product of your house! and I mayyyy be jealous of that tweet favorite!

  15. You are making so much progress! Jealous of your front porch! That has some serious curb appeal!

  16. You were an excellent ceiling scraper! I'm so impressed by all the work you're getting done and love the puppy lovin' over the weekend :)

  17. The house is coming along great! I can’t wait to see the finished product. Mr. Chrisley was shopping at Lenox Mall when I was there on Saturday... he’s definitely a character! ha

  18. Looks like it is coming along nicely!! Can't wait to see how it turns out! Hope you're having a good Monday!

  19. Looks like the house is coming along! And I love the pups. It's crazy about the Chrisley's because they are originally from my town and I worked with Julie's mom for the longest!

  20. What is your guys timeline with the house? I can't believe how fast you are banging things out. Oh how I wish my weekends were spent renovating!

  21. Ya'll have gotten so much done on the house! The kitchen floors are looking GREAT!

  22. Such cute pups! And I love the flooring! Love that you keep us updated!


  23. Love the ceramic in the laundry room! That's so awesome Todd Chrisley liked your tweet!! I love their show but I know it's probably killing brain cells!

  24. Loving that gray ceramic tile!!!! WOOPWOOP! Love yo' style guuuurl! xx

  25. The house is coming alone amazingly! You guys get so much done so fast!!!

  26. It looks great, Jessi! I am loving the updates! :)

  27. Holy wow! You guys are doing so much...and I just know it will be beautiful! Can't wait for after pics.

  28. Your house is coming along beautifully! I love the updates and seeing the progress! and YES for revenge! :)

  29. You guys are doing such a great job on your house and I love the wood color you picked out!!! UMMMM...how cool the he favorited your tweet - yep that would be a great highlight!!

  30. Oh, I was going to ask about the table but I see it cleaned up well!! And I'm still drooling over your master closet and it's not even done. No doubt I'll be way jealous when it's done ;) How fun about Todd Chrisley!!

  31. LOOK AT YOU GUYS GO!!! How fantastic..we moved into our "remodel" a year ago and everything still isn't completed..I gotta admit it's come a long way and there is nothing better then sitting back and enjoying all your hard work!!!
