5 on Friday: All Things Mom!

Friday, May 9, 2014
Happy Friday ya'll! I am SO SO SO (ok you get it) ready for the weekend. This week has been especially hectic at work and I am just plain exhausted- ugh students graduate already. (just kidding...sort of) I am not at all worried in the slightest about how cheesy I am about to get so here it goes: I adore my Mother! I adore everything about her! My Mama is my absolute best friend and I'm not sure what I would do without her. My college roomies and closest friends would make fun of me because I talked to my parents EVERY day and when it came to Mom- multiple times a day (not including texts) haha that is just how we roll!  We've been through everything together and literally the only reason I hope for a baby girl one day, is to hopefully have the relationship that we have! (oh man, despite the teenager stage- yikes!! hahaha)

She is the strongest woman I know (don't want to throw down the troubled past but just know she has been through it all) and she is a nurse on top of that! Yay to Mom's all over the world this weekend! Give yours the love she deserves and just say "Thanks Mom, for everything."

Linking up with Christina & Amanda

Happy Weekend!

Me, My sis & Mama waaaay back

Ha! Love this comparison of the winos that we are!

One of my favs!

Hair & Make-up trial day!

And my wedding day!

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  1. What a beautiful post, Jessi! I adore these priceless photos reflecting the sweet bond you two share!! Wishing your mom a fabulous Mother's Day!! xo

  2. <3<3<3 love the relationship you have with your mama! That teenager stage is terrifying, why were we such brats?

  3. You and your mom are so beautiful! What a wonderful relationship!

  4. What wonderful pictures of you and your mom :)!

  5. Awe, such beautiful pictures! You both are too cute!

  6. Love this post! Sweet photos!

  7. Very sweet post, pretty girl! Happy Friday!

  8. Aww so cute! You and your mom look so much alike! Great pictures!

    <3, Pamela

  9. aww this is so sweet! moms are the best! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  10. What sweet pics of you and your momma!! I love your blog and blog design! So cute. Your blurb made me laugh--I burst out in song, too!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!

  11. awwwww i love this so much. all these mother posts are gonna have be bawling. i love that first pic!

  12. LOVE.THIS. You are a couple of beauties!!!

  13. You both look beautiful!! Love your colorful dress in the wine photo!

  14. This post totally makes me wish I had done a post about my mom :) Such lovely pictures-- you are both gorgeous! Enjoy the weekend :)

  15. Oh love this!!! I have the exact same relationship with my mom and we talk all the time...totally normal I'm finding!! lol!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  16. Love love love this! All the pics are beautiful and that dress/shirt you are wearing in the second picture.. SO cute! Have a great weekend girly!

  17. Wow! You look so much like your mom, Jessi! Y'all are beautiful! :) Have a great weekend!

  18. Such a cute little tribute! And you and your mom are both gorgeous. Have a great weekend!

  19. Are you sure you and your mom aren't sisters??! Y'all are both too cute! Have a great weekend with her!

  20. What a beautiful post! Girl you have some amazing genes your mother is stunning! That wino picture is absolute perfection! Thanks for linking up!! xoxo

  21. Stopping by from the link up. You look so much like your mom - beautiful! What a nice tribute to her and fun way to link up and shout your love for your mama for the blog world to hear!

  22. This is so precious, yall look so much alike!

  23. You and your Mom are so cute! I hope you guys have a fabulous Mother's Day!

  24. What a great tribute to your mom! I hope you have a fabulous weekend celebrating Mother's Day!

  25. Sweet post- you & your mom are adorbs!! And love that Lilly dress :)

  26. What a sweet post! That wedding picture is especially beautiful! :)

    Have a great weekend!

  27. I love this you all look amazing! What precious post:)
    Mariel Collins
    Living For His Glory

  28. Love this post! SO sweet. and so many great pictures of you and your mama!
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  29. sweet sweet pictures! you and yo momma look just alike!!! :) Both beauties!! Have a great weekend-- don't work too hard on the house!!

  30. LOVE LOVE LOVE everything about this! There's nothing better than having a super close relationship with your mom! I think we're both very lucky in that category!

  31. LOVE THIS! You two are so pretty :) Remind me of my mom and I, we talk several times a day too! Enjoy your weekend and your mama pretty lady!

  32. Pretty ladies! What a sweet post. Have a great weekend, miss!

  33. So sweet! This is exactly why I am SO excited to have a baby girl.

  34. You and your mom are beautiful. I love your wedding dress too!

  35. You and your sweet mom look so much alike! I talk to my parents every day (and often more than once a day), too! Have a great seeking celebrating your momma.

  36. Found your blog through Five on Friday. Super cute! Love the last picture on your wedding day, those are always my favorite from the day.

  37. Awwwwwww!!! You and your mamma are GORGEOUS! How sweet! I totally talk to my mom a million times a day too. The first time is always minutes within waking up :) Gotta love the relationship most mothers and daughters have! have a great weekend!

  38. I absolutely adore my Mom too! I relate so much! If I weren't on vaca with my momma right now your post would be making me miss her!

  39. Love this so much! Adorable, I miss my mom sooo much!

  40. Such a sweet post - love all these pics of you and your mom! You got some good genes from her - she is beautiful!
