Meal Planning: Week 1

Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Ah! I'm back! I feel like its been awhile even though it was only Friday... I hope everyone had a great weekend! I don't have a formal weekend recap regarding house reno status simply because we were so busy! Saturday I went out of town to Norfolk to my friend's housewarming party and then of course Sunday was Mother's day so I spent the day with Madre! However, we were off yesterday and I spent the entire day unpacking the master closet- yes unpacking and organizing finally! It is BEYOND fabulous not living out of suitcases and the folding chair with all my work clothes draped over it in the living room.... (pictures to come don't worry just needs a little more organizing)

I do however want to talk about my new adventure in 'formal' meal planning. I started plotting out the weeks before our kitchen was done and just held on to the planners until now. I promised myself that we would try it once the kitchen was completed and here we are! Its nice being able to cook at home and save a little money (we definitely went out way too much but only because most of the kitchen was gutted!)

The original template that I found on pinterest I can't seem to locate (So I'll have to find another one anyway) but I like this one here  because I like having the long grocery list plus each day of the week and a note section. What I did was make sure I got everything I needed for all 7 days in one grocery trip! (its not that bad- alot of the stuff you'll already have!) I am one of those people that will go to the grovery store daily if not planned this way! I also tried to make sure each meal was on the healthier side if at all possible. First up? Broccoli and chicken tetrazinni. (I also attached each recipe on the back of each week so that I could rference it easily and secured with a binder clip for each!) I also through in a "Wild Card" night each week so that I can give myself a day off! Haha. Anyway I'm looking forward to keeping it up. I plotted out 4 weeks so by the time we get to the end of week 4 we can just repeat right?? Sounds good. I'll share a full planner later in the week!

Finally meals in the new kitchen!

Like my little boy chicken scratch handwriting??


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  1. Ooohhh I can not wait to see master closet pics! I am a big meal plan fan, I do it every week and love it. You will rock it :) This dish looks delicious!

  2. Yay for finally getting your closet organized! That is SUCH a good feeling! I love this idea! I'm so bad at planning meals out in advance and shopping one day for everything. I need to start doing that though!

    <3, Pamela

  3. Way to go!! That is awesome. I can't wait to hear how this turns out.

  4. Yum! I try to meal plan, but now that SW has moved and isn't at my house quite as often, cooking for one isn't nearly as fun! I'll definitely be cooking more when I move!

  5. I can't wait to see your closet all finished & see some of the meals you have planned out! I need to be better about planning out the week so I'm excited to see how it works for you!

  6. That looks amazing!! I am terrible at not only meal planning but meal execution... Even if I have all of the ingredients, I always find myself thinking it is easier to get take out! I need to get on the meal planning train!! Xo

  7. Looks yummy and can't wait to see your closet!!

  8. I am all about meal planning - every sunday morning we jot down ideas for the week and it totally helps you stick to a budget!! That chicken dish looks amazing!! Can't wait to see your master closet!!

  9. Meal planning is so not my thing ... Maybe one day! For now it's daily trips to the grocery store for me!

  10. Great job actually coming up with a plan. I'm so last-minute that most of the time it's all about cravings. And haphazard grocery runs ha. That dish look amazing!

  11. I'm a meal planning geek! I love it. The reason I keep it up is because I'm generally at the barn three to four nights a week and Matt is in charge of getting supper pulled together. Having a plan is half the battle and I feel less guilty getting home late when we have everything already bought and ready to go! I generally have four or five meals depending on the week, but having a night off/supper out is a must! We've worked hard all week, we deserve it! :) Definitely get yourself a binder to keep your fave recipes in so you can just look back through instead of reprinting!

  12. Enjoy the new closet! I cant wait to see pics!

  13. I meal plan too and it is amazing!! Such a time and money saver in the long run! Just pinned that chicken broccoli dinner - looks sooo good!

  14. this is such a great idea, i really need to just get off my butt and do this!
    and yayy cant wait for master closet pics :)

  15. I'm horrible at meal planning! My Day Designer has a slot for "dinner" for me to write in whats for dinner and I guess be able to plan it but I typically just wing it! Sometimes it's great and other times its not so great! I love that meal planning template. Maybe ill laminate it and use it with a dry erase marker for the fridge!

  16. SO proud of your meal planning adventures!!

  17. Hooray for no longer living out of suitcases AND cooking in your new kitchen!!! Your dinner looks delicious! Mmm (:

  18. I'm a meal planner for sure. Have been doing it for years but still love little tricks (or printables) that might make it more fun :)

  19. Yay, I've been doing meal planning lately and it's the best!! Can't wait to hear more house updates!!

  20. So smart with the meal planning! I need to do more of this. When I go to the grocery store it's a little scatter shot, but I hate going so I won't go back if I forget something - I just modify. Doesn't always work out too well though :) xo

  21. Yay for unpacking and meals in the new house! Very exciting. This looks delish btw.

  22. You needed to do this to really appreciate your nice new fancy dancy kitchen! :)

  23. Yummmmmy!!! I use some meal planning sheets off pinterst too and it really does help to plan ahead! I always loathe going to the grocery store so being sure to stock up in advance really helps avoid those trips! :)

  24. That looks delicious!! Meal planning is wonderful isn't it?!

  25. What a cute meal planning template! I just started one recently that I found on Pinterest too! I laminated it so that I can use the same one every week and I'm loving it. And your food looks delicious!

  26. I love meal planning and finding cutie templates to make it more fun!
