Weekend Recap & Twinning!

Monday, June 9, 2014
It's Monday! (Don't be too excited) Tomorrow is my Friday though so I must say today isn't so bad. We are heading down to the bay house for some much needed time by the water so I'll be MIA for a bit!

Another reason today is fabulous so far is because my best friend Heather (the one that came down for reunion and I had a big surprise for her that I couldn't share...) finally announced to the world that she and her hubby have been blessed with TWINS! When she told me I burst into tears (she makes fun of me still) but I couldn't grasp that it was TWO not ONE! I was so thrilled and planned a #Twinning weekend in her honor! I made twins in a blanket (haha) ordered bottles of non-alcohol wine and had a custom made announcement done for her via Etsy. I cannot wait to meet/spoil these littles in December! Congrats Heather! (crying again!)

Also, I know I've been lacking lately on the house updates with all the traveling so here's a quick preview- ladies and gentleman, we have another space finished....the living room! (blurry bc I was watching Miss USA and had to hurry)

Also, my Mother in law scored the most PERFECT bench from Kirklands over the weekend! We have been looking for some sort of bench/seating area for a nook in our closet and she completely surprised us with this find! I adore it! (Thank you Kyna!) Oh..and our floors are finished!!! Time to officially decorate and move furniture in for the Master!

Love the floors!

Linking up with Biana from B Loved Boston for Weekending! Hope everyone has a fabulous week!

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