Swooning Over & No-reply Reminder

Thursday, August 14, 2014
I've been doing a ton of browsing lately for little odds and ends now that the ENTIRE first floor of our home is finished and I have to share some of the things I've been swooning over lately and just think... it's almost Friday again ya'll! Yes please!

Also, I get so sad when someone has the no-reply blogger status and I am not able to reply back to their comment/e-mail. Lately I've been seeing it a lot- I think it usually happens when your Google+ and Blogger is synced. I don't want anyone to feel like I'm just ignoring their comments! Boo! I was the exact same way when I first started blogging and had not a clue what that was about. Luckily, some fab bloggers helped me asap and sent me a step-by-step on how to change it. With that said, click this link for some helpful tips if you currently have this setting. Enjoy your Thursday ya'll!

Little nook in the master vanity? Something like it for sure!

This desk!

Mom wants this so badly for the bay house and you know I adore blues!

AHHH!! These pillows will be mine!!(Maybe the bench too!)

Love this bar cart- only one under $200 I've ever seen!!

And a slightly larger version of this tear-drop chandelier just arrived yesterday for the entryway!! (our closet one is to the left of it)

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