I think ya'll know what's coming and I've been dying holding this information in for TWELVE WEEKS! - But Seth and I would like to announce:
Baby O will make his or her debut on or around May 2nd 2015 ya'll!
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Doesn't the hubs look thrilled here? Story to follow! haha |
It all went down back in August...Friday, August 23rd to be exact. I was planning/helping out with a good friend's wedding and hubs was actually a groomsman in the wedding. That morning before work I decided to take a pregnancy test...just to make sure before I went to this wedding and started drinking the night away....sure enough, I was 100% pregnant! I took another....yup! I remember just crying with joy as I got into the shower, trying to be quiet so I wouldn't wake hubby. I know that sounds weird not to tell him right away but we were about to have such a busy weekend and practically be separated the entire time since he was a groomsman and I was the planner so I decided to KEEP IT A SECRET until Sunday when we got alone time together to relax. (sooo hard ya'll) Sunday rolled around and I made a little bun in the oven card and of course saved the peed on tests for his enjoyment (haha) he was over the moon thrilled and I'm pretty sure I saw a tear or two but don't tell him I told you!
Seth received the temporary transfer to Ohio only a week or so later so we were forced to tell our parents a lot sooner than expected (I would've told mine anyway I'm sure of it) but he wanted to be around to tell his in person. We also had to cautiously take these pumpkin announcement photos bc I knew when the time came he would already be gone... Needless to say our parents were absolutely over the moon! (We told his parents on his Dad's birthday with one of his presents being a "Grandpa Can Fix It" onesie! They had no idea!) It was terrible having to say goodbye to him but I figured it was definitely better to be gone the first three months and not the last! My parents have each come to the ultrasounds and appointments thus far and every time I hear that fast little heartbeat (coming in at about 160 beats per minute) my world stops (and I get in trouble for crying and making the screen jump!) We will be 13 weeks on Saturday and I am seriously the happiest person in the world. So blessed and so ready for this journey! Thank ya'll for always being there and thank you Lord!
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PERFECTION at yesterday's ultrasound! |
Size of Baby: a plum and 3 inches! (a little longer than average) and .49 oz
Total weight gain/loss: 1 pound gained - which is crazy because I feel like 6 pounds heavier in my boobs alone! (and loving it haha)
Symptoms: No sickness thank goodness but a little bloated...
Maternity clothes? rocking the maternity skinny jeans from Gap/Old Navy so far and loving them!
Stretch marks? No...
Sleep: Sleeping great, minus waking up to pee every night 5 times! Ugh..
Best moment this week: Finding out baby O is 100% healthy and an inch longer than expected this week!
Miss Anything? hmm redbull and wine are at the top of the list
Movement: Baby O was rockin' in the last ultrasound but nothing yet
Food cravings: Fruits & sour gummies all-the-way!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope- no sickness thus far actually!
Have you started to show yet: still just a little bump
Gender prediction: Hubby thinks its a girl 100% and so does my sis. My parents are banking on boy!
Labor Signs: Noooo
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Feeling more movement & finally being able to do some shopping!
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