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"Mama is finally feeling some kicks & movement in there!" |
How far along? 18 weeks & 5 days
Size of Baby: Sweet potato! 5.6 inches and 6.7 oz
Total weight gain/loss: I'm anxious to see- my scales at home say only up 4 from very first appointment but I find that weird. We'll find out at December 15th appointment (I hate the doctor's scales though! Boo!)
Symptoms: Dry and tired eyes- this is a new one. Still loving everything about this journey though. I was talking to Julie from Just the Joys saying that with this easy ride pregnancy I'm hoping delivery/labor isn't going to be horrendous! (haha)
Maternity clothes? I've been finding such great deals via Ebay, etc. on cute wintery tops that tie and sweaters. I'm a turtleneck gal too in the winter!
Stretch marks? Nope thank goodness... still using the Q10 stretch mark cream from Palmers and every lotion imaginable. Not too itchy yet either! Massaging that cream on the tatas though like nobody's business still!
Sleep: Ordering the snoogle on Friday to see if it helps curb my back sleeping. Sleeping on my side only is so annoying ...
Best moment this week: Ready for this???!! FEELING MY SUPER ACTIVE CHILD ROCKIN' OUT each night! Last night he or she did something almost 6 times in a row. I literally tear up and laugh out loud every time in pure amazement! Happened 4 nights in a row now.
Miss Anything? CAFFEINE still and holiday cocktails
Movement: Well we covered this in best moment! :)
Food cravings: Fage greek yogurt for the win in cheery/pomegranate
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: Heck yea
Gender prediction: I still feel like its a baby boy for some reason - 12 days until we know for sure!!!!!!
Nursery: You can see it here (of course paint still needs to be determined, etc. but the blank canvas is ready for us!)
Workouts: Lots of squat routines with hand weights and stretching to help with leg cramps - the random nicer weather has helped too with getting outside
Labor Signs: I'll get back to ya on that one...
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On but feel bigger- I think that happens in winter though
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but getting frustrated easily and exhausted... I'm entitled to some mood swings right!
Looking forward to: Hubby back in 9 days! Our gender appointment!
week 12 week 13 week 14 week 15
Week 16 Week 17 Week 18
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