How far along? 19 weeks & 5 days
Size of Baby: Heirloom Tomato! 6.0 inches and 8.5 oz
Total weight gain/loss: I'm reallllly interested to see... My scales at home only say up 5 but I had a regular doc appointment to get established at this new place and she tried to tell me I was up 10- yikes!
Symptoms: Um nothing major I can think of... just getting worn out easily.
Maternity clothes? Heck yes- all in for the most part!
Stretch marks? I haven't found one yet- I keep checking! Is it normally the belly where they appear first?
Sleep: Ok.. this one is getting annoying. One night I won't be able to get comfy at all and wake up more to pee and then the next night I sleep incredible and never get up! (bc I was so tired the night before I sleep through the next night etc. etc.) it's becoming a regular cycle! Also, this snoogle thing.... I don't love it like everyone says! I like my space in bed and this is weird- plus I'm short so it really doesn't fit my body (like the in between the legs part hahaha) It's interesting so far
Best moment this week: Feeling my active child EVERY night and singing to him or her. Also how much he or she is moving during the day as well! Oh and hubs is hoping to come home TODAY
Miss Anything? CAFFEINE - had a cherry coke ya'll and I don't even like soda was incredible
Movement: Well we covered this in best moment! :)
Food cravings: OH NO- ice cream all the way. I NEVER eat ice cream. Cook Out M&M shakes....
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.. although I'm shoveling in the food these days and ate too many gummies and almost got sick like a 4 year old with no self control....
Have you started to show yet: Heck yea
Gender prediction: MONDAY at 2:00pm we will know!
Nursery: You can see it here (we're so close to starting this!)
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Workouts: Squat routines and legs every night with hand weights and stretching to help with leg cramps - doubling up on arms too. Kegels anyone? haha
Labor Signs: I'll get back to ya on that one...
Belly Button in or out? In and getting flat
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Hubby back in
week 12 week 13 week 14 week 15
Week 16 Week 17 Week 18
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