
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Now that we are back home, we are diving back into house projects and this makes me so happy! We only have a tiny portion (of the huge) porch to sand before we can prime it and get my dream southern blue floor painted! We also scored a gorgeous antique bedroom set from a local yardsale site for another guestroom - all we need is the mattress/box spring combo and of course some pretty bedding. Our photographer called and let us know that Miss A's portrait was done and I am SO in love with that pretty addition to her nursery. (Don't mind the stuff on the mantle and we haven't hung it yet!) I've been staying busy with lots of bridal showers coming up, a wedding planning meeting and consultation next week and also was asked to judge the new Longwood University Cheerleading squad again this year! Woot woot calendar is full!

There is so much good stuff going on in the lives of my closest friends and I cannot wait to share! I feel so blessed lately and thankful for everything God has given us. I feel like we are all right where we need to be! Oh, and want to know what happened last night? (Mama's don't smack me!) Andi slept for 10 hours ya'll! She always gives us 6-7 but 10?! You go little lady - we are seriously some spoiled parents. She is also getting so strong (so bittersweet because of course as Mom's we want them to progress but secretly I want her to stay little haha) If you have me on snapchat (jessicamc313) then you saw the excersaucer I put together for her and she is loving it for a few minutes on and off during the day. She's not quite tall enough so she gets a little frustrated's too cute though!

 Alright, we are heading to see some family and my sis out of town today so we have to take off - I hope everyone has a great day and guess what? Tomorrow is FRIDAY!

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