WHW: Lately

Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Hey ya'll and happy mid-week link up day! Just a reminder - ya'll can grab our button below and share anything that is currently happening in your life or trending right now! It doesn't have to be Pinterest related if you haven't browsed lately. Today I'm playing catch up since I've been MIA this week. There hasn't been too much going on around these parts except for the countdown to finished siding. It is looking better and better each day and the crew is thinking two more weeks!

Over the weekend I went to a friend's baby shower and also had a movie night. We watched The Big Short and Secret in Their Eyes. The 2nd one was more up my alley and man did they make Julia Roberts look awful. I believe it's a book and if so, I'm SUPER bummed I didn't read it. Hubby liked the Big Short and I hate to admit it but I feel asleep in the end. I know, I'm old.We did have a super cute dinner in the living room while watching cartoons with Miss A. She sat in between us and shared our pizza (her first real pizza) and it was so adorable watching her go back and forth to us both as we offered up pretty much our entire dinner. Gosh I love that little girl! Oh and my Mother-in-law dropped off her camera from our beach trip and let me go crazy!

This week so far has been pretty relaxing with only one extra kiddo and we're packing up and heading to the bay house on Friday before my weekends get crazy with weddings, bachelorette etc. Speaking of Bachelorette, did ya'll watch the finale? Spoiler alert if you haven't...who didn't see Jordan winning? I ADORED Jojo as this year's bach but I'm pretty sure the second she knew Jordan was a Rodgers, she had to have him. (sorry not sorry - and she knows he's a 'former' pro QB right?) On the flip side, I can't believe another season is over! I'm just pumped they followed it up with the hot mess express AKA Bachelor in Paradise. Bring on that crazy train because I love it and refuse to get off - no shame in my game. Ya'll have a great day and link up below!

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