WHW: Randos

Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Hey ya'll and happy what's hap-'pinning' Wednesday! Grab our button below and join in on the fun! Also, keep my counterpart Jenn in your prayers this week if you don't mind. (love you girl!)

Today marks my 400th post and I'm literally celebrating by sharing all things randomly going on in my life from snaps to wishlist items. Andi has been killin' it lately on the sweetness and kisses and I love capturing those moments any chance I get. I know it won't last forever but I am so incredibly thankful that I have a sweet little snuggle bunny. I just have to share some of the snaps I've saved up. We took her to my parent's farm the other night and introduced her to the new baby cows and oh my heavens ya'll she yelled "moooo" every chance she got! It was absolutely hilarious and she loved riding the gator through the property.

Twitter has been pretty fabulous lately too! I love it - so easy to randomly connect with your fav celebs in real time! I'm no stranger to Chris Harrison (you know, we're total besties) and he just happened to like another one of my tweets during Bachelor in Paradise. Who's watching that hot mess with me? I can't get enough! Also, speaking of my favorite reality shows, Cameran from Southern Charm and I shared a mini convo too! I adore her and I swear she's my spirit animal! Season 4 better be on its way Bravo.... Lastly, I HAVE to order something with a pineapple monogram like these cocktail napkins and how cute is that confy tee below? I might have to order that as well! Alright, I think that covers all things random today. Ya'll have a great week!

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