This weekend was fabulous despite the fact that I had to go to driving school on Saturday. I went to bed early Friday night after binging some Walking Dead in anticipation of the long day of drivers ed. I stopped by Starbucks of course and fueled up and the guy gave me my caramel macchiato for free! He said he felt bad that my Saturday would be spent in an all day class so he said it was on the house. I love good people! It gets better - I get to class and the instructor tells us she's so sorry but we have to cram everything and if we're ok with skipping lunch, we can leave at 1:00pm (it was already 9am) Heck yes lady! She unfortunately had some family issues to deal with but lucky for us our Saturday wasn't shot. Now that the class it completed, that pesky little speeding ticket will be off my record for good. Done and done.
Sunday we went to church and that is an entire blog post in itself. We've been searching for a church family for over a year and just haven't felt deeply connected to one. We decided to try the church I grew up in where I am still a member two weeks ago and I completely fell in love just like I had always been before. I hadn't seen some of those folks since high school and I cried with overwhelming joy three times during the service. I knew! I know we had found it and it is so silly because the church was always just right there. I just wan't sure if hubby wanted to go that way, etc. etc. I count down the days until Sunday and I can't wait to raise Andi in the same church that did so much to shape me as a pre-teen, teen and young adult. I mean the people are so friendly, find you on facebook immediately, invite you to everything, make you feel at home and welcome and this is what I was looking for. Man the holy spirit in ya feels good!
Linking up today with Biana & Meghan for Weekending
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