On the new home front, we scheduled a delivery date of October 22nd for the new window installations and I'm so excited/curious to finally see these black exterior framed windows. Also, despite the rainy weather, the roofers seem to think they can complete the roof in 3 weeks or so. The wiring is almost completely finished and this has shown me just how many dang light fixtures I have to pick out (I'm counting in my head and already at 14...)
On the random front, I've been appointed chair of the silent auction committee of the largest fundraiser of the year at Andi's (and my old) school. Its one of my favorite events and there's just not a lot of planning time (the event takes place in November) so needless to say I'm stressing just a tad. I"m such a 'yes' person......WHY?! (Go Falcons!) In other news, I scored 6 bamboo and cane chairs for LESS THAN $100 and cannot wait to pick those up. I also scored these bamboo and cane end tables as well. I already have a table and 8 chairs but I'm a sucker for bamboo anything and just couldn't pass them up!
Lastly, garden club starts back up this week and I'm co-hosting our first gathering and our little town is having its annual 5 county fair which is always so dang cute and fun. My Dad and I are hoping to take Andi this weekend so I will definitely report back with some fun fair pics!
If you made it this far, thanks for reading and be sure to have a great rest of the week!

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