The ball was put on by the PTSA so luckily I was able to volunteer so that I could be there and spy the entire time. Oh man it was the cutest thing ever! She danced circles around him and her friends and she also ate about 10 plates of snacks from the buffet. She picked out her dress and and it fit perfectly with the school colors and theme. I also let her wear makeup while we were getting her ready (don't freak - it was a swipe of mascara, blush and lip gloss and it was absolutely precious) Her Dada then surprised her with a little flower corsage and off they went! They even had professional photos done at the dance and I'm anxiously awaiting those! I have to admit I cried a gave me all the future flashes of homecomings and prom. Time slow down!
We're getting ready to head to the bay I believe so I hope y'all have a great rest of the week and happy Valentines Day! (almost)

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