5 things that make me happy

Friday, February 15, 2019
Hey y'all! Happy Fri-yay! I hope everyone had a great Valentines day or I hope you're about to have a great celebration this weekend. I'm currently at the bay and just enjoying being by the water (cold or not) Today I'm joining in on the Friday 5 fun with the usual gang because it has been quite some time since I linked up and shared 5 fun things. Join me! 

Happy weekend!

1. Green, blue, neutrals & greek key all paired together 

2. Speaking of green, I want to add more of it into my wardrobe! Loving these pants and this clutch from Red Dress Boutique (fun fact: I knew I had seen Hannah G on the Bachelor and its because she's on of the models for that website..ha!)

3. We finalized the plans for the closet island and instead of going with a granite or marble top like we did in the last renovation, we've decided to go with the glass inserts with jewelry storage. I'm obsessed!

4. Y'all...do I need these shoes? I just added them to my Amazon list because they will practically match my black legging uniform when I'm out and about or at home. I mean, how cute are these?


5. This tweet from Chrissy Teigen gets me EVERY SINGLE TIME - I want to be her friend!

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