Bumpdate: 23 Weeks

Friday, January 8, 2021

 I know I know - second child stereotype of having less time = TRUTH. However, we've completed an out of state move, the holidays, virtual school and remote work and we're still in the middle of a global pandemic! ALL THE THINGS! But I told Miss Andi I simply had to do an updated bumpdate and try and catch up a bit for Miss Crawford. Today I am 23 weeks and 3 days and thankfully feeling great! Thanks for popping by and hope y'all are all doing well and staying healthy! (I'll post links to the weeks we dropped the ball on just so we can look back on them!)

How far along? 23 Weeks & 3 days

Size of BabyA large grapefruit- 11 inches and 1.2 pounds already!

Total weight gain/loss: I literally couldn't tell you - I have an actual appointment ont he 22nd of this month and will find out!

Symptoms: nothing uncomfortable other than HATING side sleeping!

Maternity clothes? Got some cute stuff over the holidays!

Stretch marks? Searching but nothing new yet- whew! 

Sleep: ordered a normal body pillow this time and its helping but I always get better sleep on my back which is apparently forbidden at this point

Best moment this week: Andi finally getting to feel her! We found out I had an anterior placenta this time around so we really didn't feel her until about week 20. Now she's really moving and kicking and its amazing to see and feel!

Miss Anything? Still wine...always wine...haha

Movement: Finally! Mostly at night!

Food cravings: Sunny D and Italian Ice - also cherries

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Have you started to show yet: Oh gosh yes 

Gender prediction: Girl! and I'd like to announce...mmhmm... Miss:
                                          Crawford Childress <3

I read a book last year that a friend sent me called The Hideaway and the main character's name was Crawford. Although he was a guy, I simply loved it for either gender. I was sitting on the beach in Oak Island with Mom back in October and she suggested using it either way even though we sort of thought we were set on Collins for a girl. I looked down at my growing belly and whispered "Crawford" and it was all over. Crawford it was. Childress is after my Dad and gives her the potential nickname of CC down the road. 

Nursery: Painted, curtains hung, dresser in place and a design board created with everything ready to go!

Oh geez... I've been bad at this lately...moving on

Labor Signs: eeek no!

Belly Button in or out? In and getting flatter

Wedding rings on or off? On 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! 

Looking forward to: Our next appointment and more nursery decorating!

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