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2021 versus 2015 |
How far along? 28 Weeks & 1 day
Size of Baby: 15 inches and 2.25 lbs
Total weight gain/loss: up 2 pounds from last month I think - 135 now
Symptoms: Feeling large and charge and some lower back pain but mostly feeling great thankfully!
Maternity clothes? Of course
Stretch marks? Using bio oil this time around still at night - no new ones yet!
Sleep: I have been sleeping great the last two nights but we'll see how that goes. Went to bed by 9pm last night not even kidding!
Best moment this week: Seeing her move my entire belly is the best. Made a little registry of things and Mom/MIL is helping me tackle the bigger items- getting everything ready is really making it real all of a sudden that we're actually doing this newborn thing again! Mom got stroller, carseat and pack-n-play recently and MIL snagged the big new rug for the nursery on Sunday.
Miss Anything? Wine - took a sip of Mom's sauvignon blanc the other day and yes...still miss it haha
Movement: She is packing some MEGA punches & kicks and it is still my #1 favorite thing in this world! (constantly too!)
Food cravings: Cherries, Sunny D & Mexican
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: yes
Gender prediction: Girl!
Nursery: Just need a bookshelf and a glider and we should be all set
Workouts:15 min prenatal weight training and cardio each night
Labor Signs: eeek no!
Belly Button in or out? weirdly out
Wedding rings on or off? On but feel bigger- I think that happens in winter though
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Loving this little girl so much I seriously cannot wait to meet her!
Looking forward to: all the snow they are calling for this weekend and valentines day with miss andi!
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