5 On Friday

Friday, December 13, 2013
Happy Friday once again ya'll! Today I'm linking up with my favorite gals Christina, April, Natasha & Darci. I hope everyone is ready for the weekend- Here's to relaxing, snuggling, hot chocolate and crafting!

I am so so excited ya'll its not even funny. If you follow me on Instagram then you know recently I've started my Jessica Simpson phase all over again. I was (and always will be) border-line obsessed with her. A radio show I was listening to last week mentioned the old reality show "Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica" and I thought oh my goodness I must re-watch. When I think 10 years ago I think about the 90's NOT 2003 when it came out haha! Anyway- watched season 1 in TWO days and now starting 2 & 3 this weekend. Not even kidding (tear, memory lane, no more Nick & Jess)

We just got another wedding present from a family friend and I have to share! She sent us two glass champagne flutes with our individual initial etched on them. won't these be an adorable addition to the tree? Love them!

Each year my family hosts an annual Christmas Eve dinner/party and this year we are doing a theme ya'll! Of course my Mom picks the tacky sweater theme which is perfect because it is hilarious to see all ages in those things! I am so excited for good food and family and currently trying to decide on two different hideous sweaters- I'll definitely share which one later!

Are ya'll like me and a little behind this year on shopping? (all of my items are scheduled to arrive today on my doorstep so I will be wrapping all weekend!) Check out these beautiful metallic monogrammed pillows that I THINK they are shipping out before Christmas Eve! Love them! Find the pillows and TONS of other gifts here: http://www.dixielandmonogram.com/

I'll leave off with a cocktail I'm going to have to try for the hubby this weekend. Looks so enticing right? Anyway, Happy weekend!! T

he Bourbon Épice //
  • 2 oz OOLA Waitsburg Bourbon
  • 1/2 oz fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 oz simple syrup (or agave)
  • 4 oz Seattle Cider (use your favorite for just the right amount of sweet or dry)
  • A dash of cinnamon bitters
Combine first three ingredients with ice in a cocktail shaker. Shake and strain into a large rocks glass over ice. Top with cider and garnish with freshly grated cinnamon.

 photo signature_zps6045ff3e.png


  1. OMG I am obsessed with Nick & Jessica too! My husband about killed me when I found all the seasons for $15 and watched them for 3 days straight lol. It kind of disappointed me when I realized she really was kind of a brat but I still love her! Those pillows are to die for!

  2. I loved that show! Is it bad I secretly hope they get back together?? Something about Vanessa I just don't like.. Since I know them all so well personally! haha

  3. Stopping by from the link up! New follower. :) Love your blog design! I'm with you on thinking that 10 years ago is still the 90's... :) Excited to follow along. :)

    1. So glad you stopped by Amy! Headed over your way now! ;)

  4. not even kidding...since watching the sing off i've been contemplating watching newlyweds #guiltypleasure

    have so much fun wrapping this weekend!!

  5. Totally loved that show!! And love the tacky sweater theme for Christmas!! Happy weekend girlie!!

  6. LOVE tacky Christmas sweater parties!! Truth be told, I wear mine around the house all season...is that weird?!
    And you mean to tell me that the 90s weren't 10 years ago? That's the strangest thing I've heard all day! haha! Really though...I can't believe that has already been 10 years! Sigh....
    Absolutely loving the fact we are instafriends! Best thing ever!
    Happy Weekend, Love!

    1. Haha isn't is crazy?! Makes you feel a tad old right? naaaa.... YES love following your posts! Happy weekend!

  7. I LOVE Nick & Jessica! {STILL} :) They were the cutest.

    Also, tacky parties are my favorite! You will all have a blast!

  8. Fellow Nick and Jessica lover and Newlyweds owner here, now I want to re-watch them lol! Happy weekend :)

    1. I don't know why its so addictive! I guess it was really like the first of its kind! :)

  9. Yep that drink sounds amazing. Like amazing amazing! Def going to give it a go :)

  10. Newest follower!!! And fellow Nick & jess lover!!!! I have each & every season and watched it recently!!!! Hahahaha! :) :)


    1. Thanks for stopping by Ashley!!! (I can't wait to do nothing but watch the entire season 2 & 3 tomorrow...BIG plans! hahaha)

  11. I would love to go back and watch those episodes, and those pillows :) :) :)

  12. Somehow you had fallen off my feed and I thought "where did sweet Jessi go?" FOUND YOU AGAIN! :) I love love love your Nick & Jess post. Makes me feel a little less crazy since I constantly say (to either others or myself) that I am STILL NOT OVER their breakup. I LOVE NICK and it's clear they belong with their spouses today (at least Nick does -- TEAM NICK) but I am heartbroken that the love they once had did not work out as I think sin, greed, selfishness, etc. changed Jess in that marriage and that makes me sad. Ok, stopping now... ANYWHO-- HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND!!

    1. right?! I'll still take a trip down memory lane and watch any day hahaha but yes things are so different now with the two of them! (tear) Ok heading your way now because I haven't checked in on you lately as well! Thanks Courtney and have a fabulous weekend!

  13. Dying to rewatch all the Newlyweds now too. Because i have them all too, naturally. #iloveus ;)

    1. see? if we lived closer we could party it up on the pull out and watch them! hahaha husbands would be so thrilled I'm sure!

  14. Oh my gosh, this brought me back. Me and my best friend were OBSESSED with jessica simps in high school. For my 16th bday we took a limo to her concert. And those pillows are amazing. Happy Friday :)

  15. Love those pillows! I might have to look into getting one!

  16. I used to LOVE Nick & Jessica! I wish I could rewatch the old episodes! And that is so fun that your family is doing a themed Christmas Eve party! Tacky sweaters are so funny. Have a great weekend!

  17. Love those pillows and a super cute invitation to the tacky party! :)

  18. Jessi! That cocktail looks sooo yummy!

    And NOTHING is better than a little Nick and Jessica rerun marathon :)

    Happiest of weekends, girl!

  19. Love the champagne flutes, they're super cute!

    Have a great weekend!

  20. LOVE those pillows!!!! So fun, festive and classy! I've always wanted to do a tacky sweater party, but it's just never come about for us! Maybe one day!!! Can't wait to see your pics!

  21. I was OBSESSED with Nick and Jessica too!! Glad to know I wasn't the only one! Have a great weekend!

  22. Lol I was OBSESSED with Newlyweds when it was on! I still have all do the seasons, you just got me in the mood to re-watch them. I was so sad when they broke up although they were total opposites.... Memories!

    1. Agreed!! I think I may have cried hahaha it'll be a good memory lane weekend for sure!

  23. I love, LOVE those pillows! Excited to check out their website. I remember being so sad when they got divorced! lol. Happy weekend!

  24. I love everything about this post and oh my goodness does that cocktail look delicious!

  25. I bought the complete season a few months back too and it totally takes me back!! I still like to believe they are together!! That drink looks delish!! Have a great weekend!!


  26. Those flute ornaments are adorable!

    agirlandhersparkles.blogspot .com

  27. I am STILL obsessed with Jessica Simpson. I just love her!

  28. I love Jessica! She's so beautiful and funny. Has it really been 10 years since that show was on? I feel old now.

  29. My sisters and I just watched Season 1 of Nick & Jessica for a girls night! I wish they were still together #ripnickandjessica :(
