I feel like I've been MIA lately but there has been so much going on! First of all let me fill ya'll in on our semi-crazy closing process. (But yes, as the title of this post states- it's ours!!) So of course originally we were supposed to close on the 7th of March and that got pushed back a week due to the title company finding MORE land in the deed. Since it was 4 more acres found and not less land found we were ok with that to say the least. So this past Friday rolls around, we had loaded up the 50 foot UHaul with my father-in-law, said goodbye to our completely empty and cleaned out home and drove to the new place. After dropping the UHaul off, Seth and I went to the attorney's office for official closing paperwork! We signed all of our paperwork, met with the bank, signed their paperwork and shook hands.....so uh, where are the keys??
Attorney: "The title company was supposed to overnight the final deed to be recorded in the Clerk's Office and it hasn't arrived yet so we don't have the keys for you"
Us: "Um, you're kidding right? Is there tracking available on the shipment? We are technically homeless and have a UHaul with our life in it that needs to be unloaded and returned..."
We even called the real estate agent and explained the situation and asked if we could just keys to the outbuildings (there's 3) so we could unload and he said he would drop the keys off at the office where we were but we couldn't have them yet.... OH and also, if the shipment didn't arrive and get recorded by 4pm that day, we were screwed until Monday. We were told to "cross our fingers it got there in time" Needless to say we were pretty bummed. In our eyes the house was ours! They didn't need us present or even need a signature on the final deed so I was thinking ummm aren't we done? We are personally friends with the attorneys and legal assistants and know that it was the fault of the Title company representing the sellers and not them- I probably shouldn't admit this but we went straight to the local hardware store, got metal cutters, cut off the padlock to the largest outbuilding, unloaded our life and went back to town to wait. The deed arrived at 4:07 folks, 7 minutes after the Clerk's office closed and refused to answer phones. We were now forced to stay with my parents because our renters were moving in the next morning at 9am!
SO- we got our keys Monday, the house is OURS, it's been fabulous staying with Mom and our renters are settled in to our old home and loving it! We have an electrician, a roofer and floors being worked on in the next 2 weeks and we plan to spend the first night (it's freezing there) this Friday when it warms up! Thank you for all of your encouraging comments and remarks! It has really made this process so worthwhile and I cannot believe we are in our FOREVER home. (I'm never moving again. I've also decided I love unpacking, not packing)
Just so ya'll know, this will probably predominately be a DIY/HOUSE RENO blog so be prepared and I hope you still follow along on our journey to restore this old beauty! Want a preview?? OK!
KEYS!!!!!! don't mind out nasty weather work clothes! haha |
Emma was ready!! |
Electricity! |
Lastly, check out this sweet wallpaper we found when we took down the master paneling haha yikes! |