Gotta make this one quick since we are in the midst of Girls Weekend Ya'll!! (woot woot!) Hope you guys have a fabulous weekend and aren't dreading the normal 5-day work week coming up! (I know I am since I took today off too)
Ok first things first...I hope EVERYONE saw how smokin' hott (let me repeat) how smokin' hot J. Simpson looked this week? You go mama, rockin' that Mara Hoffman suit!!
It's our 5 year college reunion this weekend so I'm having a girls weekend and we are hitting up our campus for the day on Saturday! So excited to visit our favorite spots and wander around Roanoke!
Look at us from FRESHMAN year! (hahaha dying)
First trip to the local fruit stand in my new neighborhood was a success! Love it and can't wait to keep going!
Favorite quote today- I is Friday!
Just wanted to remind anyone who might be bored to go and vote for our porch in Southern Living's Porch makeover contest! Today is the last day and we could definitely use it! Thank ya'll so so much and have great weekend!
Click here and hit 'view entries' then 'search entries' and type in Jessica. It is labeled Burkeville, VA