Throwback Thurs: Fall Style

Thursday, September 25, 2014
So it's officially fall now and the weather is spot on for the season (although I think we're back to 80s all weekend) It has been 58 to 59 at night and a high of 68 during the day for the last couple of days. Fall fashion gets me so excited- it has to be my absolute favorite! There's just so many things you can do with it. Summer and Spring are exciting..yes..but I mean other than being able to break out my Lilly and wear dresses everyday, that is about the extent of it. I am also such a jacket/cardigan person so fall allows me to line my closet with every open wrap cardigan in existence!

Jessica Simpson (soon to be Jessica Johnson omg) has been in the media A LOT lately and if any of ya'll know me than you know this is a fabulous thing for me. I love her beyond words (creepy yes I know) and always have and her billion -yes billion with a B- fashion line is too cute and for EVERY woman. I stumbled across one of her first ever interviews and that's what inspired the #TBT to this post. She was 19 ya'll! I also have a picture of her and Nick that has always been my favorite go-to for fall fashion kick start and ya'll are going to laugh so hard. Bring on the denim but I love it! With that said, and Fall officially here, I wanted to share some of my favorite Fall fashion staples. Happy Throwback Thursday which means happy almost Friday!

Love this even today! Hey Mrs. Lachey..I mean Johnson...

Ok now ya'll have to check out baby girl Jess first interview I found! Total #TBT

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