35 Week Bumpdate

Thursday, April 2, 2015

How far along? 35 Weeks & 6 days

Size of Baby: Baby girl measured a nice 4 lbs and 6 oz at our last ultrasound a month ago so I'm sure she's above the average 5.25 pounds my app says. (and 18 inches long!)

Total weight gain/loss: up 2 pounds from last month's check-in (about 140! yikes) but with this new fluid retention and swelling I'm not surprised

Symptoms: Everything blood sugar wise is right on track! BUT I can no longer walk, move or stand for more then 5-10 minutes. My leg swelling and pitting edema is so bad that sleep is impossible and at work my feet must be propped at all times. I'm squeezing in half days at this point and trying not to cry or vomit with everyday activities- been such a great pregnancy thus far so I guess SOMETHING had to happen...

Food cravings: Anything cold like Popsicles or Italian ice and lots of water!

Anything making you queasy or sick: This leg and nerve pain - makes me light headed...reealllly rethinking that natural birth/no epidural situation at this point!   

Have you started to show yet: Oh fo' sho'

Gender prediction: Girl! Miss Anderson Greer Otey (Andi)

Nursery: Waiting on a gorgeous PB kids pink and green rug to come in next week! Slowly making progress but making her little nook in our room where she'll be for a while is fun too!

Workouts: Well since I can't move...like at all :(

Labor Signs: Braxton hicks plus crampy round ligament pain? Yes- at least 6-7 times a day

Belly Button in or out? flat

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and excited but ready now...I've reached that point they all told me about - the point where your like ok I'm ready to be able to walk around again haha Can't wait to meet her so soon!!

Best Moment this week: Still getting the sweetest gifts for little Miss A is so fun! Also, we have an appointment today with my OB and then an appointment with the high risk doctor on Monday with an ultrasound to check her progress and weight etc. 

- Leaving for our bay house tomorrow for Easter weekend will be fabulous too. Feet propped and not able to move by the water is better than at home right? 

       Week 12                                Week 13                    Week 14                             Week 15

             Week 16                                        Week 17                                        Week 18

       Week 19                                                  Week 20                                     Week 23

            Week 25                                                     Week 26                                     Week 27

             Week 28                                               Week 30                                    Week 31

                                             Week 32                                      Week 33

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