What's Hap-"Pinning": Lately

Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Hey ya'll and happy hump day! Things have been so busy around here lately and I feel like I literally look forward to the end of the day to just SIT DOWN. Whew - I love it though. Saturday's wedding went so well. I'm talking ahead of schedule, no mishaps, smooth-riding and beautiful. Normally there is always some kind of small glitch or panic but this wedding had a great flow and I'm just happy that the bride and groom were pleased and happy.  Also, the hubs took Miss A to meet Santa for the first time and just like her meeting with the Grinch, she was intrigued and not scared at all. I wasn't there to play my usual role of paparazzi so there's not a ton of pictures, but I'm so glad she had fun!

Sunday we stayed around the house and yesterday I took my Dad Christmas shopping and hit up Costco for our annual Christmas party. We started it last year at our home and it was such a huge hit that we decided it should be an annual Otey tradition. I feel like I have SO much to do but I know it'll all come together....I hope....(haha) We have friends staying the weekend from out of town and can't wait to see all of our family and friends. Not to mention, I can indulge in a cocktail or two this year! Oh, and maybe I'll get my Christmas shopping done soon??? Ah ya'll I'm so behind! But guess what? I have to run. The hubs scheduled me a massage for 10am and I am NOT missing it!

Grab our button and link up below with Jenn or myself and let us know what's hap-"pinning" in your life!

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