Hey ya'll! Happy hump day and welcome to another link up featuring what's hap-pinning in your life! My partner in crime
(Jenn) informed me yesterday that we have been going strong on this link up for 6 months already! Thank ya'll so much for joining in each week! I have to make today short and sweet. We've had quite the week already. I was finally able to get my car out yesterday for the first time in almost 5 days, my Mama has stayed since Thursday because her work is closer and just went home yesterday (I miss her already!) and Miss A was going a tad stir crazy. Also, our semi-new laptop decided to seize out completely so we're having it looked at and I'm currently channeling 1999 and using my Mama's desktop to draft this post. Yup, no joke. Also going on, if ya'll wouldn't mind sending a little prayer to my Dad. Yesterday my uncle took him to the ER because of pains in his jaw, neck and head plus uncontrollable sweats. They did an EKG first and ruled out heart so that was good. They are doing an MRI and keeping him there for observation. Docs think maybe its a form of vertigo? Whatever it is, I know my Dad hates to be in a hospital. Please keep him in your prayers.
I hope ya'll have a fabulous rest of the week and I'll be back to blogging as soon as our laptop is resuscitated! Here are some of my favorite things currently. Grab our button and link up below to join in on What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday!
Did anyone tune in Monday for the Bachelor? Can we just talk about the awkward craziness that is known as Olivia? And to think I had high hopes for her on night one.... I'm liking Caila, Jojo and Lauren B thus far. If you missed it, I'm sure Jess has a fabulously hilarious all you need to know recap over at
Little Bits of Joyand speaking of the Bachelor - I must have these wine glasses! Of course I play this game each Monday and sport a slight Tuesday hangover but having the rules on the glass itself? Golden!
My little monkey is climbing up on everything! |
What a fun craft! Must do this! |
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