What's Hap-"Pinning"

Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Happy Wednesday ya'll....are you in the areas that are supposed to get hit with mega snow this weekend?? We are and yikes! I'm supposed to go to NC this weekend to stay with a friend but I'm pretty sure I'm not leaving my driveway if what they're calling for is really coming. I'm talking snow, rain, sleet, eek! Also I'm worried because our new (huge) outdoor woodstove isn't working and producing heat as it should. The house is sitting around 60-63 and takes forever to catch up and with the amount of wood we're going through, the EPA is going to hunt us down! Hubs has spent a pretty $ on parts etc. so we're praying for some good results with this big ole' investment.  Hopefully we figure something out asap before this snow storm!

Ok so onto the 'pinning' part. (However, when you link up it doesn't necessarily have to be something that's found on Pinterest. It can be anything!) I know Miss A just hit 9 months but I'd be completely lying if I said I haven't been thinking about her 1st birthday (like a lot) I went back and forth about whether or not to have a small or big bash and ultimately I've decided on medium. I mean, its the big first bday ya'll! April 12th will be here before you know it and I'll need to have invites out a few weeks before. Here are some of the things I've been pinning all over my baby/party boards. For the record, this is so much fun to plan even though I know she won't remember a thing. Bring on the pink and green and champagne for the Mamas!

 Grab our button, link up below and share what's going on!

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