
Monday, May 9, 2016
Hey ya'll and happy start of a new week! This was such a fun weekend. On Saturday my Mother-in-law and I signed up for a paint party class and painted matching flower scenes that connect to form a single flower when put together. It was so much fun! There were lots of other mother/daughter duos and tons of great food too. How was everyone's Mother's Day? Ours was so much fun and I'm so glad we were able to spend time with our families all day! (we had the oh-so-awful stomach bug earlier in the week and I have NEVER experienced that before and NEVER want to again. Luckily it skipped Andi and we are all back to normal!)

Anyway, we spent the morning with my in-laws and finished out the day with my parents. My sister and her kiddos also joined us so it was fabulous catching up with her as well. She gifted me the most adorable gold pineapple candle that Target is currently carrying - and it smells like pure summer heaven! Ya'll have to go snag one! (My loves spoiled me with a hair appointment to lighten these locks and a new Bourbon & Bowties bracelet - oh, and Andi picked me a buttercup so obviously my day was made and it is still sitting on my dash!) The weather was beautiful on Sunday and we even stopped by an outdoor food truck spot and snagged lunch to bring to everyone. It was nice to finally not have a rainy day let me tell ya! Last night we caught up on some DVR shows and I called it a night early. Overall, my SECOND Mother's Day was absolutely fabulous. I'm so thankful that Miss A made me a mommy. How sweet it is! Linking up with Biana and Meghan today for Weekending!

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