
Monday, June 20, 2016
Hey ya'll and happy Monday! How was everyone's weekend? Mine was absolutely packed and I loved every minute of it! (I'm only bummed that Monday came so quickly!) It actually started Thursday night when we went to see my Nanny in the hospital. She's doing fine and she's back home but it was good to see that side of the family and check in on Nanny. Since we were already out of town, we turned it into a mini date night and tried out a fun place downtown. Friday we had another date night celebrating a friend's birthday. His wife rented out the back of a restaurant and we had some cocktails and hung out for a little bit. It was nice catching up! Saturday I had a surprise planned for my Dad for Father's day and ya'll he was so pumped. The only clue I had given him was that the event was semi-formal. He kept guessing all week with things like a catfish festival, etc and it was killing me! I kept saying, Dad...semi-formal.

I took him as my date to the Summer Garden Opera and he was over the moon. The event is held annually and there are so many of his oldest friends that attend so the surprise was a hit. There was a seated dinner and then open bar all night. We mingled and sipped until the opera started and the weather was ah-mazing. Is there really anything better than cocktails, time with your Dad, and mingling under the stars? I'm thinking that we may have to make this our new tradition! (sorry honey, your invite has been revoked)

On Sunday, I hung out with my family for a bit longer and visited with my sister and nephews before heading out to my in-laws with Miss A. Unfortunately, as expected with the railroad, Seth was called to work overnight and missed Father's day almost completely.I snagged him a huge bbq plate from his Mama's and he opened his presents and snuggled with Miss A this morning once she woke up. Basically this weekend was non-stop but sometimes that makes it worthwhile am I right? This week should be fab as well because one of the babes is on vacay with her parents all week. Cheers to a new week and Bachelorette Monday ya'll!

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