
Monday, February 27, 2017
Hey ya'll and happy start of a new week! I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend and that Monday is off to a good start. So far for me,  I spilled about 1/4 of my bare minerals in the sink, (after brushing my teeth so there was no saving the powder) my straightener is on its last leg and the woodstove was out this morning so I'm sure I smell like diesel fuel or smoke right now in my office. BUT - it is my birthday week! Dirty 30 to be specific - woot woot!

We had so much fun over the weekend from painting outside during the unusually warm temps to celebrating my Grandpa's 91st birthday with great food and family. We squeezed in a Mexican dinner date with my Dad and a girls day at church for Miss A and I that ended in lunch and a fun shopping trip. Sunday night I meal prepped, finished ALL laundry (you would think 20 people lived in my home) and relaxed with a good bottle of wine while watching the Walking Dead and the Oscars. Hubs is on his way home from being out of town and will have the next couple days off so that will be nice for Miss A to be home with him.

Also this weekend, Ashley from Hanging with the Hirsts sent me a preview of my new monogrammed orders I made for Andi. Ashley owns Premium Pineapple Embroidery and does FABULOUS custom work out of her home for very reasonable prices. She did a cute top for Andi and her oh-so-fabulous Easter dress and I just have to share! She's mailing them this week and I am over the moon! Thanks Ashley, we already love them! Linking up with Biana today for Weekending.

Happy 91st Birthday Papa!

Thanks Pinterest for a fab and fun idea for outside play!

Mexican for the win!

SWOON! Thanks Premium Pineapple Embroidery! 

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Friday 5

Friday, February 24, 2017
Hey ya'll and happy Friday! We've made it through another week (short week for most) and now we can be in full on weekend mode! Today I'm linking up with April, Karli, Andrea & Amanda for my favorite Friday link-up's and you should join in as well. Happy weekend and see ya'll back here on Monday!

One of my college gal pals welcomed a sweet and perfect baby boy this week and we are so over the moon! She was holding off on his name but now that I have the initials, I can send some new monograms his way! Congrats Lauryn & Justin!

Ya'll, this jam has been on repeat basically all week! I am absolutely loving this new one by Keith & Carrie.

This recipe has been floating around and I've seen 3 people share it recently with 2 thumbs up. I'm definitely adding this to our list of new recipes to try hopefully for next week!

Egg Roll in a Bowl Recipe

Favorite Andi moments from this week! Doesn't get much better than baby blues, daffodils, smoked shoes and dress yourself outfit days!

These temps (over 70 today!) really have me dreaming of Spring. I snagged some super cheap blanks that were marked down to like $2 at Walmart and took them to my local embroidery shop to have them monogrammed for Miss A. Look how cute these turned out? I need to take some for me! I also sent a couple of items to Ashley from Hanging with the Hirsts so she can monogram some too. She recently started a new little business and her stuff is so cute ya'll! Go check her out at Premium Pineapple Embroidery!

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Sticker App Fun

Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Hey ya'll and welcome to another what's hap-'pinning' Wednesday! I was recently going through my home reno page section on the blog and adding labels to it and couldn't believe how long this link up has been going. Time really does fly when you're having fun am I right? I love this link up and my co-host Jenn so thank ya'll for making it a fun and successful outlet! 

Today I want to share my experience with StickerApp.com and their custom stickers. I use them for my custom phone cases and adore each and every one I have ordered. I've raved about the quality and would recommend them as a company to anyone but I had never used their custom stickers. I started to brainstorm what I could use them for when it hit me. Custom envelope seals? Check! Custom labels for Andi's upcoming party? Check! More label stickers for my bow making business? Check! The possibilities are endless! They have TONS of pre-made designs or you can design your own in any shape or cutout you can think up. (check out their IG page for fun examples and ideas) The shipping was incredibly fast and they are seriously perfect! There are so many different quantities and packages you can order. I had no idea this was something you could do and now I'm hooked. The quality is great too - its  thicker, clear paper that is easy to peal with a shiny finish. I will definitely be designing more because I think I ought to go a tad larger in height on the next order. Check them out below and then go grab some! 

Click here to see Monday's Throwback to High School post - would love to see ya'll do one as well! I got lost for hours looking through old pics! 

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Throwback to High School

Monday, February 20, 2017
Hey ya'll and happy Monday! Our weekend wasn't super eventful but we did thoroughly enjoy the warm weather and daffodils popping up all over. Church was great and Miss A and I ran a lot of errands and just relaxed. Today I've prepared a fun post instead since I didn't snap too many pics over the weekend. Today's topic: High School throwback!  

I saw that Danielle posted about her Senior (or all) years of High School a couple of weeks ago and I just had to do this post as well.I LOVED my high school years, as cheesy as that sounds, and I'm already looking forward to Miss Andi going and having the same experiences (maybe) someday!    

I graduated in the class of 2005 from Fuqua School in little ole' Farmville, VA and we were the Falcons. It is a small private school (relaxed uniforms ya'll) and we had just about 45 or so in our graduating class. Andi starts next year in PK3 and I'm seriously over the moon!

Getting ready for senior breakfast! Can you point me out? (That's my mom top right with the camera! haha)

1. did you date someone from your school?
Yes. I dated one of my best friends for awhile who actually passed away while we were in college in a terrible car accident. We all miss him every day and cherish our memories together. RIP Brandon. I then dated someone from the local college in town (gasp) sorry parents! 

2. did you marry someone from your high school?
No but there were a few that married within our class and that's fabulous! 

3. did you car pool to school? 
I lived about 20 minutes out from our school and at first no bus came that far (haha) My parents took me to school until I got my license. 

Getting ready to leave for senior beach week

4. What kind of car did you have?
I had a silver Mercedes (older style) and actually had an awful accident. Completely totaled the poor Mercedes but the German engineering and steel roll cage saved my life. Afterwards, I got a newer-to-me white little Mercedes since the first one saved my life. 

5. What kind of car do you have now?
Now I drive a white GMC Terrain and love it! I call it my petite SUV! 

6. its friday night. football games or party?
Well this is going to sound cheesy but I was captain of the varsity cheerleading squad my junior and senior year so I was definitely at the football game because I had to be. Plus, even if I wasn't captain, I'd still be there! Small town football ya'll!

7. It is Saturday night?
I'm probably "riding around" with my bestie Sierra or we are at each other's houses for sure.

Sophomore year!

8. What kind of job did you have in high school?
I was a lifeguard through the YMCA because our high school had a large pool that was open to memberships/community during the summer and I also waited tables a bit at a small country place. 

9. What kind of job do you have now?
I worked in Global Education & Study Abroad at Hampden-Sydney College before deciding to become a SAHM with Miss Andi for 21 months. I just recently started part-time as Financial Administrator for the College of Graduate & Professional Studies at Longwood University. What can I say...I love higher education! 

10. Were you a party animal?
Yes...(shakes head) Our huge senior camp out was held at my house since we had so much land and no chance of cops coming and of course my parents took keys which started a riot with some parents but hey, they were being safe!  

Senior Year - September/ Adore this photo and still talk to all! 

11. Were you considered a flirt?
I got biggest flirt for my senior superlative...(geeeez)

12. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?
Cheer, Dance & Theater, Youth for Christ, FBLA, Youth in Government & Spanish club (I also sang the national anthem for the sporting events)

13. Were you a nerd?
No. I was smart, but definitely not a nerd.I could've applied myself A LOT more looking back...

14. Did you get suspended or expelled?
yes. One time for "too many tardies" (is that the word? I was late a lot bc I liked to sleep in) All with said Cici of course...there was a few other times but we won't dive too deep into those...Getting "locked" in a bathroom so we didn't have to go to class might have been one of them (shakes head) 

15. Can you sing the fight song?
YES! And can remember the cheer dance moves to it because we did it every touch down!

16. Who was/were your favorite teachers?
Oh man I adored my English teacher Mrs. Mason (she's retired now) and my Algebra teacher Mrs. Fowlkes was incredible. (in the sense where everyone was deathly afraid of her but my sarcasm actually helped develop a relationship between us. Thank goodness it did because I was AWFUL in math) Lastly, Mr. Custis, my History teacher is ah-mazing and he is still there thankfully! 

17. Where did you sit during lunch?
All over if we stayed on campus! Always with my bestie Cici no matter what we were doing! 

18. What was your school's full name?
Fuqua School

19. When did you graduate?

20. What was your school mascot?
The Falcons

21. If you could go back and do it again, would you?
Senior year? Definitely! Maybe just a week or so? haha

22. Favorite traditions?
At Fuqua, you can decorate/paint your own parking spot in the senior parking lot and it gets very creative and intense! Super fun! Also, we went to Europe for our senior class trip (a whole other post in itself!) and we did OBX for senior Beach Week. Our senior pranks on the administration were pretty fun too!

23. Did you have fun at prom?
Oh heavens yes! (would change the boy (ew) in a heartbeat but yes)

24. Where you prom queen?
 no but I was Homecoming Princess for the Senior class that year. 

25. Do you still talk to the person you went to prom with?
Definitely not. (long story) Homecoming was a bigger deal at our school and that was in the Fall.It was put on by the cheerleaders so we planned and executed the whole thing. It was more formal sometimes too. I always went with my good friends to homecoming and had the BEST time! I was also senior homecoming princess!

26. Are you planning on going to your next reunion?
I went to my 10 year reunion in 2015 and it was a group of about 10 of us. We had a blast and carried on afterward at one of our fav local spots. I'm hoping more people come to the next one bc I definitely wouldn't miss it! I owe a lot to that school and my step-dad for sending me there. It really shaped who I am as a person and I cannot wait for Andi to go. (I'm like the dorky yearbook girl Can't Hardly Wait) Go Falcons!

Our 10 year reunion in June 2015 (a few of us pictured)
linking up with Biana

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Friday 5

Friday, February 17, 2017
Hey ya'll and happy Friday! We made it to the weekend and I'm not sure where you are but where I am it is supposed to warm up a bit and pretend to be Spring again for a couple days. Cheers to a wonderful and much needed weekend and I'll catch ya'll back here next week! 

I'm linking up today with April for Friday 5

Mary Jane Bowtie Shoes - monogrammed
Ya'll these are seriously the cutest and I think Miss A needs them for her birthday!
 (They come in more colors too)

Speaking of Miss A - can we just take a look at this sweet face? We are in definite
need of some smiles and fun after this 5 day sickness took us by storm! Bring on the warm
temperatures this weekend and maybe a bay trip!

Ok I need ya'lls opinion here. I'm really leaning towards trying this 21 day fix plan.
Have any of ya'll tried this and if so tell me EVERYTHING! I've never done any sort of fixed plan like this but a close friend did and she seriously looks ah-mazing!

I adore bamboo and gold. I always have. I love bamboo frames especially and
when I saw this picture on instagram I just knew I had to have a room like this one day.
With that said, we aren't there yet but look at these precious T.J. Maxx bamboo frame finds!
Sorry for the lighting but I just love them!

Favorite Funny & Happy weekend!

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WHW: Ick

Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Ya'll....We have literally been hit by the sick bus and it keeps on rolling over us. This crud started on Thursday and is STILL lingering. We even went to a random urgent care on Saturday because our fevers spiked. I'm finally back to work today but still have a headache and I thought Andi was on the mend as of yesterday but she's got a cough and runny nose still and its terrible. I've never had something take us out and last so long. Apparently its going around and I'm just praying it doesn't hit the hubs like it has us. Send some wellness prayers and vibes our way if you have a sec and I'll send them right back your way! I feel awful but I have nothing to share bc we haven't done a thing! Last week before it hit, we were able to take Andi to a playground and out for ice cream and a beautiful sunset. Then it happened. UGH! The only thing I hate more than being sick is seeing my little baby sick so move on sickness! All I have are a few snaps from our last few days so I look forward to catching up on how everyone else is doing.

Grab our button and link up below! (oh yes..I hope everyone had lovely Valentines day! We still celebrated with candy & gifts for Miss A and she was thrilled! She never turns down chocolate!)

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