Hey y'all and welcome to another WHW with
Jenn and little ole' me. We've definitely been busy with our latest venture of listing our home. It has literally blown up on social media and local outlets and its crazy (and sort of sad) to see all the interest. Let me tell y'all a funny story about that - we had our very first showing scheduled for last Sunday at 10am with a couple from out of town. We were so surprised and really didn't expect anything like that in the first week. Well, not only did they show up on the wrong day but WAY earlier.

They showed on up on Saturday at a little after 9am. I had planned on cleaning ALL day Saturday to really have the place sparkling! I wanted to leave little snacks out and a welcome note, etc etc....nope. It was just like the scene in Home Alone when they realize they all overslept and had to rush to the airport. WE were up, beds made, spot cleaned and staged, got Andi up and literally ran out of the house within 15 minutes. We grabbed Emma Jo, awkwardly apologized and went to Hardees for a very unhealthy breakfast that we ate in the park...in our pajamas. The last thing I remember is Hubs saying "If you like it today, you'll love it clean"... but guess what? They loved it and I'm in shock. We're receiving their offer today. I've cried twice. We'll see what happens and I'll keep y'all posted. Keep us in your prayers! Check out the new drone video of our home below!
Shifting gears a bit, if y'all need a fabulous new blog to follow and IG account too, then y'all have to check out my bestie's (and college roommate) Edie's blog. She has recently started a health, wellness and lifestyle blog after being diagnosed with Hashimoto's, a thyroid and autoimmune disorder. I am in love with her content and honest product reviews and also her clean eating and new recipes. She has really turned things around for herself and I'm convinced she has helped countless others as well! Please take a moment to check her out and follow along on her journey - I know you'll love it (and her) as much as I do!
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