Friday 5

Friday, January 5, 2018
Hey y'all and happy Friday! Its been awhile since I've linked up with the Friday 5 gang and I'm excited to join in on the fun. We got snow last night (as did most of the South) and even though it was absolutely beautiful, it just wasn't enough. I'm all Lorelai Gilmore when it comes to snow - I could see it every day so bring it on! Anyway, y'all have a good weekend and I'll check back next week since our counter tops are being installed Monday. (woot woot!) I'm hoping to have the kitchen photo ready by Wednesday's post but we'll see how it goes!

Here are 5 things that have been on my radar:

1. I ordered this brass bamboo cocktail napkin holder from Emily McCarthy and it is absolutely b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l! Once I pick a napkin, it'll be the prettiest little addition to our barcart!

2. This piece of furniture is SO close to coming home with me. I think we're going to go ahead and pick it up next week! Its the perfect petite size for our dining room but still offers storage and it matches the color of the barcart that will also be in the dining room.

3. Ok y'all, I am DYING to get my hands on a fiddle fig tree (and a mini potted one too) for our living room and/or entryway. I was set on an artificial one but the more I look at them, I think I want a real one. HELP! I have no idea where to get one, how hard they are to care for, etc. Help a sista out y'all!

4. I shared in wednesday's post about this dress but I have to share again just in case there are any left on sale! Tuckernuck is doing their end of the year sale and this dress was marked down to 60 bucks y'all! You can't beat that! Between that and the Lilly Pulitzer sale - I am officially broke!


5. Although I've been having MAJOR issues with my sectional purchase through Joss & Main, I think I'm going to have to make this blue and white umbrella holder my next purchase. (my other purchases from them have been wonderful but lord have mercy on this sectional) the reviews say its way bigger and it would look fab in our entryway!

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